In Cairo, PA, Israel open 3 days of talks on transfer of authority, focus on electricity, communications, water, public works. PA says it will accept phased Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank within framework of agmt. that includes specific timetable. (MENA 6/20 in FBIS 6/21)
Multilateral Working Group on Water meets in Amman, then convenes joint mtg. with working group on environment. Syrian, Lebanese representatives reportedly meet with Israeli delegate behind scenes. (IGPO 6/19; QY 6/30 in FBIS 7/5; MBC 7/15 in FBIS 7/17)
Under terms of 10/26 Jordan-Israel treaty, water pipeline fr. Lake Tiberias to Israel begins operating. (RJ 6/20 in FBIS 6/28; NYT 6/21)
PM Rabin, FM Peres, Environment M Sarid, IDF officers tour West Bank n. of Jerusalem to view plans for redeployment of IDF troops outside Palestinian towns. (QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/21)
Israeli FMin. deems PA's 1st "active" year "reasonably successful," Arafat "a dominant and indispensable figure" who successfully handled his opposition. (MA 6/20 in FBIS 6/20)
East Jerusalem Municipal Council, formally reactivated by Arafat 6/12, holds 1st mgt. (HA 6/26 in FBIS 6/27) (see 5/30)
House approves antiterrorism bill similar to that passed in the Senate 6/7 by vote of 23-12. Differences between the two must be worked out in committee. (WT 6/21) (see 8/4)
256 mbrs. of Congress send letter to Secy. of State Christopher in support of moving U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Letter is a companion to the one sent by 93 senators 3/95. Christopher sends letter to Dole dissuading him fr. voting for bill. (Near East Report 7/3)