IDF eases closure to permit Palestinians to return to their jobs in West Bank Jewish settlements; allows ambulances to transport medial emergencies fr. West Bank, Gaza into Israel, but they must undergo inspections at crossing points. (QY 3/24 in FBIS 3/25; MEI 3/29)
Israeli Dep. FM Eli Dayan says the U.S. has pledged to urge Morocco's King Hassan to visit Israel shortly, denies such a visit aims to bolster Labor before the election. (JP 3/25 in FBIS 3/25)
PM Peres officially announces that Maj. Gen. Yatom has been appointed as the new Mossad head. (QY 3/24 in FBIS 3/25) (see 3/19)
IDF builds up forces, tightens security checkpoints in s. Lebanon. (RL 3/24 in FBIS 3/25)
Iraq holds its first parliamentary elections since the Gulf War. (CSM 3/25)