Tuesday, February 18, 1997

In Moscow, the PA head Yasir Arafat meets with Pres. Boris Yeltsin. (WT 2/19)

Israeli ministerial comm. decides to speed construction of roads in and around East Jerusalem, delays decision on construction of new settlement on Har Homa hill. (MM 2/18; MA 2/18 in WNC 2/20; NYT, WT 2/19; PR 2/21; WJW 2/22)

Israeli police question Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for 4 hrs. as part of their corruption probe surrounding the selection of Roni Bar-On at atty. gen. (see 1/24, 1/26). (MM, NYT 2/19; MM 2/21; ITV 2/21, YA 2/23 in WNC 2/25; WT 2/22; WP, WT 2/23; ITV 2/24 in WNC 2/26; JP 3/1)

Lebanese security forces announce they have arrested at least 7 people in Lebanon's Biqa` Valley, some of whom are believed to be mbrs. of the Japanese Red Army, incl. the surviving gunman in the 5/72 Ben-Gurion (Lod) airport attack in Tel Aviv. Japan says it will seek extradition of Red Army mbrs. (RL 2/18 in WNC 2/19; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/19; al-Quds al-Arabi 2/19 in WNC 2/20; RL 2/20 in WNC 2/21; RL 2/21 in WNC 2/24; AFP, RL 2/24 in WNC 2/25; RL 2/25 in WNC 2/26; Kyodo [Tokyo] 2/28 in WNC 3/3; RL 2/28, 3/1 in WNC 3/4; WP 3/13)

Israel Defense Forces (IDF), South Lebanon Army (SLA) shell villages in s. Lebanon, killing 1 civilian, wounding 2. Lebanon files complaint with ILMG. (RL 2/18 in WNC 2/19; WP 2/19; RL 2/21 in WNC 2/24)