Sunday, March 2, 1997

Arafat arrives in Washington fr. Cairo; meets with U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross, World Bank Pres. James Wolfensohn. (MM 3/3)

Likud central comm. mtg. is held. Senior party officials accuse PM Netanyahu of bringing "professional hecklers" to cheer him, shout down his opponents and the media on cue; preventing opposition fr. speaking. (IDF Radio 3/2 in WNC 3/4; MM, WJW 3/6; WT 3/8; JP 3/15)

Israeli DM Mordechai approves construction of 1,500 houses, 3,000 hotel rooms on 2,500 acres of land btwn. Jerusalem, Ma'ale Adumim settlement. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4)

In Amman, Jordanian PM Kabariti, Israeli Labor party mbr. Ehud Barak hold talks on bilateral relations. (RJ 3/2 in WNC 3/4; JTV, RJ 3/2 in WNC 3/7)

Japanese envoy arrives in Lebanon to confirm identities of alleged Red Army detainees. (RL 3/2 in WNC 3/4; MM 3/3) (see 2/18)