Thursday, October 30, 1997
In Cairo, Russian FM Primakov announces that Dep. FM Posuvalyuk has been named to the new posiition of Russia's special envoy to the Middle East, on a par with U.S. special envoy Ross, EU special envoy Moratinos. Primakov also outlines 12-pt. "code of conduct" for achieving peace. (MENA 10/30 in WNC 11/3; MENA 10/31 in WNC 11/4; JP 11/8)
Iraq forbids entry to 2 American UNSCOM mbrs. (see 10/29)
Afghanistan's Taliban, the militia which controls 2/3 of the country, says that it is holding Saudi dissident and alleged "terrorist financier" Osama Bin Laden under house arrest. (WP 10/31) (see 7/31)