Thursday, September 30, 1999
In Tel Aviv, the U.S.-Israeli Defense Police Advisory Group holds its 1st mtg. on bolstering bilateral defense cooperation. (JP 10/8)
PA police release 3 Palestinian journalists after detaining them for 24 hrs. of questioning regarding articles critical of the PA that they published in the London daily al-Sharq al-Awsat. (WP 10/2)
PFLP official Mustafa returns to the West Bank after a 32-yr. exile. (HA 10/1; JP, MM 10/8; AYM 10/21 in WNC 10/25) (see 9/16)
Jordan releases al-Arab al-Yawm editor Yunis, fmr. MP Abu Zant. (JT 10/3 in WNC 10/4; MEI 10/15) (see 9/29)