Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Israeli crackdown on the ongoing wave of violence continues across the oPt. IDF troops clash with and violently disperse Palestinians protesting and throwing stones along Gaza’s border nr. al-Bureij r.c., w. of Tulkarm, in Bethlehem, in 3 villages nr. Hebron, ‘Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, and outside a settlement nr. Ramallah; 10 Palestinians are injured and 2 are arrested. The IDF also conducts late-night raids and house searches in al-Fawar r.c. and 3 villages nr. Hebron, ‘Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, and 2 villages each nr. Ramallah and Nablus, arresting 12 Palestinians and issuing an arrest summons to 1. Israeli forces arrest a Palestinian man armed with a knife and a pipe bomb at a gas station across the street from a checkpoint nr. Jenin. They indefinitely close the checkpoint after the arrest (they will reopen it on 11/5). IDF troops fire tear gas canisters into Palestinian homes in Aida r.c. nr. Bethlehem, causing damage and a number of minor injuries. In East Jerusalem, Israeli forces close a checkpoint between Silwan and the Old City; raid a medical center in Issawiyya, issuing 1 Palestinian an interrogation summons and searching a number of files. They also arrest 13 Palestinians on raids and patrols in al-Thawri, Issawiyya, and the Old City. In Israel, Israeli forces demolish 2 bedouin homes nr. Beersheba. (HA, JP, MNA, TOI, WAFA, YA 11/3; PCHR 11/5)

The Israeli Civil Admin.’s Higher Planning Council gives preliminary approval of a 2014 master plan for a settlement bloc nr. Ramallah, which would include the construction of 2,200 new residences and the retroactive authorization of 2 settlement outposts. A public hearing was held on the plan on 10/21 (the Civil Admin. will publish the approval on 11/5). (AP, HA 11/9)