The Israeli crackdown on the ongoing wave of violence continues across the oPt. IDF troops clash with and violently disperse Palestinians protesting and throwing stones along Gaza’s border nr. al-Bureij r.c., w. of Tulkarm, in Bethlehem, in 3 villages nr. Hebron, ‘Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, and outside a settlement nr. Ramallah; 10 Palestinians are injured and 2 are arrested. The IDF also conducts late-night raids and house searches in al-Fawar r.c. and 3 villages nr. Hebron, ‘Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, and 2 villages each nr. Ramallah and Nablus, arresting 12 Palestinians and issuing an arrest summons to 1. Israeli forces arrest a Palestinian man armed with a knife and a pipe bomb at a gas station across the street from a checkpoint nr. Jenin. They indefinitely close the checkpoint after the arrest (they will reopen it on 11/5). IDF troops fire tear gas canisters into Palestinian homes in Aida r.c. nr. Bethlehem, causing damage and a number of minor injuries. In East Jerusalem, Israeli forces close a checkpoint between Silwan and the Old City; raid a medical center in Issawiyya, issuing 1 Palestinian an interrogation summons and searching a number of files. They also arrest 13 Palestinians on raids and patrols in al-Thawri, Issawiyya, and the Old City. In Israel, Israeli forces demolish 2 bedouin homes nr. Beersheba. (HA, JP, MNA, TOI, WAFA, YA 11/3; PCHR 11/5)
The Israeli Civil Admin.’s Higher Planning Council gives preliminary approval of a 2014 master plan for a settlement bloc nr. Ramallah, which would include the construction of 2,200 new residences and the retroactive authorization of 2 settlement outposts. A public hearing was held on the plan on 10/21 (the Civil Admin. will publish the approval on 11/5). (AP, HA 11/9)