IDF troops shoot and injure a Palestinian youth outside the Kiryat Arba settlement nr. Hebron after he allegedly attempts to stab an Israeli soldier. Meanwhile, IDF troops violently disperse Palestinians, Israelis, and international activists at Friday demonstrations against Israel’s occupation, settlements, and separation wall in 4 villages nr. Ramallah (Bil‘in, Ni‘lin, Silwad, and Nabi Salih), Kafr Qaddum nr. Qalqilya, and multiple locations along Gaza’s border; 3 Palestinians are injured. They also arrest 8 Palestinians and issue 5 arrest summons during raids and house searches nr. Hebron and Salfit, as well as in and around Bethlehem; and patrol nr. Hebron throughout the day. (EI, HA, MNA 9/23; PCHR 9/29)
For the 3d and final day in a row, the Egyptian authorities open the Rafah border crossing to allow Palestinian pilgrims to return from their trip to Saudi Arabia. (MNA 9/23; MNA 9/24)
Leaders of the Middle East Quartet, including U.S. secy. of state John Kerry, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, and UN secy.-gen. Ban Ki-moon, reiterate the group’s call for the creation of “conditions for the resumption of meaningful negotiations that will end the occupation that began in 1967 and resolve all final status issues,” and reaffirm conclusions from the report they released in 7/2016 (see JPS 46 [2]). Afterward, Kerry meets with Israeli PM Netanyahu to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (YA 9/23; MNA 9/24; HA 9/25)