In the West Bank, unidentified militants shot and injured former Hamas deputy prime minister and professor at An-Najah University Nasser al-Shaer in Kafr Qalil; PA president Mahmoud Abbas condemned the assassination attempt and ordered an investigation into the incident. Hamas blamed Fatah incitement against Hamas on the attempt. Israeli settlers uprooted 70 olive saplings in al-Masara. Israeli settlers also vandalized 30 olive trees in Turmus ‘Ayya. Israeli forces violently dispersed Palestinians and international activists protesting in al-Twana against ethnic cleansing in the Masafer Yatta area. Israeli forces also violently dispersed Palestinian protesters in Kafr Qaddum, injuring 5 with baton rounds and others with tear gas. Elsewhere, Israeli forces shot and injured 1 Palestinian worker entering Israel at the Tarqumiyah checkpoint. 4 Palestinians were arrested, including 1 during a late-night raid in Hebron, 2 at the separation wall near Jenin, and 1 at the Allenby Bridge crossing. (AP, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 7/22; MEE 7/23; PCHR 7/28; UNOCHA 8/5)
India contributed $2.5 million in aid to the UNRWA. (WAFA 7/22)