6 / 15500 Results
  • January 16, 2000

    PM Barak postpones the 3d stage of the 2d FRD planned for 1/20, saying he has been too occupied with the Syrian track to review the FRD maps. (MM, NYT 1/17; JT, al-Quds 1/17 in WNC 1/19; WT...

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  • October 15, 1995

    Shoval sends petition signed by 1000s of Israelis to Clinton, Congress. (QY 10/15 in FBIS 10/16) (see 10/11)

    In 2d attack in s. Lebanon in 3 days, Hizballah detonates land mine as IDF...

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  • October 2, 1992

    Acting U.S. Secy. of State Eagleburger meets with Amb. Shoval, gives him letter for PM Rabin stressing U.S. commitment to sustaining current levels of military aid to Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 10/3,...

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  • February 7, 1992

    Israeli Amb. to U.S. Shoval, Secy. of State Baker, meet in Washington, discuss Israeli alternative to 1/24 U.S. proposal on loan guarantees. Two sides differ on how many Jewish homes are currently...

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  • January 24, 1992

    Secy. of State Baker, Israeli ambassador to U.S. Shoval begin discussions in Washington on Israel's request for U.S. loan guarantees, which it wants spread over five years. Baker proposes...

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  • May 5, 1991

    U.S. soldiers, backed by helicopter gunships, push to outskirts of Dahuk, in northern Iraq, and hundreds of Iraqi soldiers withdraw as allies continue to enlarge security zone for Kurdish refugees...

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PM Barak postpones the 3d stage of the 2d FRD planned for 1/20, saying he has been too occupied with the Syrian track to review the FRD maps. (MM, NYT 1/17; JT, al-Quds 1/17 in WNC 1/19; WT 1/18; al-Quds 1/19 in WNC 1/24; WJW 1/20; JP 1/21; MEI 1/28)

Syrian FM Shara phones U.S. Secy. of State Albright to say that Syria wants Golan withdrawal to top the agenda of the 2d round of talks with Israel. Publicly, Syria says it has not yet agreed to resume the negotiations. (MM, NYT, WT 1/17; al-Nahar 1/17 in WNC 1/19)

Jordanian FM Abdallah Khatib, PA negotiator `Abid Rabbuh hold talks on the peace process. (JT 1/17 in WNC 1/19)

David Ivri assumes his post as the new Israeli amb. to the U.S., replacing Shoval. (WJW 1/20; JP 1/28; WJW 2/10)

In s. Lebanon, 1 Amal mbr. is killed in a clash with the SLA. (RL 1/16 in WNC 1/19)

Shoval sends petition signed by 1000s of Israelis to Clinton, Congress. (QY 10/15 in FBIS 10/16) (see 10/11)

In 2d attack in s. Lebanon in 3 days, Hizballah detonates land mine as IDF patrol passes, killing 6 soldiers, seriously wounding 1. Israeli ships shell Hizballah targets, IDF reinforcements move in fr. n. Israel. (IDF Radio, ITV, QY, RL, SARR, VOL 10/15 in FBIS 10/16; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; QY 10/15 in FBIS 10/17; WT 10/17; MM, NYT 10/18; JP, WP 10/28)

In Iraq's national referendum, Saddam Hussein wins 99.96% of the vote. (NYT, WP 10/15; CSM 10/16, 10/17)

Acting U.S. Secy. of State Eagleburger meets with Amb. Shoval, gives him letter for PM Rabin stressing U.S. commitment to sustaining current levels of military aid to Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 10/3, Ha'Aretz 10/4 in FBIS 10/6)

FM Shimon Peres meets with EC Commission Pres. Jacque Delors to discuss updating 1975 economic accord. (Qol Yisra'el, ITV 10/2 in FBIS 10/6)

Israeli Border Police shoot dead 15-year-old stone-thrower near Hebron, W. Bank. (MM 10/3)

Israeli Amb. to U.S. Shoval, Secy. of State Baker, meet in Washington, discuss Israeli alternative to 1/24 U.S. proposal on loan guarantees. Two sides differ on how many Jewish homes are currently under construction in o.t. Baker revises downward his 1/24 estimate of 9,000 to less than 6,000, based on U.S. intelligence sources. Shoval maintains 13,000. (NYT 2/8, WP 2/11)

Israeli press publishes interview with PM Shamir in which he states Israel is "not obligated to every word" of 1979 Camp David Accords. (NYT 2/8)

Danish court rules that ship detained in Denmark 2/3 while transporting tanks to Syria should be allowed to continue voyage, but justice ministry appeals decision to Danish high court. (MM 2/7)

Secy. of State Baker, Israeli ambassador to U.S. Shoval begin discussions in Washington on Israel's request for U.S. loan guarantees, which it wants spread over five years. Baker proposes compromise whereby U.S. would provide guarantees and allow Israel to complete the approximately 9,000 homes currently under construction in o.t.; new housing starts would not be allowed, and U.S. would deduct the amount spent by Israel completing present construction from the loan guarantees. (NYT 1/25, 2/5)

U.S. soldiers, backed by helicopter gunships, push to outskirts of Dahuk, in northern Iraq, and hundreds of Iraqi soldiers withdraw as allies continue to enlarge security zone for Kurdish refugees [WP, NYT 5/6].

In Kuwait City, GCC announces it has begun "intensive negotiations" with Iranian officials on joint postwar security pact [WP 5/6]. Ministers also issue strong warning to Iraq to implement all provisions in UN ceasefire agreement [KUNA 5/5 in FBIS 5/6].

Israel's ambassador to U.S., Zalman Shoval, says his country will soon request $10 billion in loan guarantees from Washington to aid in settling Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel; Shoval urges U.S. not to link request with concessions for peace talks [WP 5/6].

Kuwaiti gov't. elects not to allow the 170,000 Palestinians who fled the Iraqi occupation to return to Kuwait. Those in country, along with Indians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, have been, since 4/22, registering as aliens [NYT 5/6].