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  • December 1, 1990

    Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council agrees to Bush-Aziz and Saddam-Baker meetings intended to avert war; U.S. admin. officials rebuff Iraqi suggestion that talks deal also with Palestine question...

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  • December 4, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's...

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  • December 2, 1982

    Military Action:

    Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...

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Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council agrees to Bush-Aziz and Saddam-Baker meetings intended to avert war; U.S. admin. officials rebuff Iraqi suggestion that talks deal also with Palestine question [NYT, WP 12/2; BDS 12/1, PAT 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; MEM 12/3; MET 12/11].

Israeli air force planes bomb Palestinian Popular Struggle Front base in S. Lebanon, wounding at least 5 people [NYT 12/2; BDS 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; JDS 12/1 in FBIS 12/4].

Egypt, PLO, and Gulf states welcome Pres. Bush's overture toward Iraq, PLO's Yasir Abd Rabbo calls it "a step in the right direction" [MENA 12/1, WAKH, RTS 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; NYT 12/2; MEM 12/3].

Israeli police shoot dead middle-aged Palestinian woman after she tries to stab Jerusalem policeman; policeman is not hurt [NYT 12/2].

Def. Sec. Richard Cheney signs order raising to 189,250 the maximum number of military reservists who can be ordered to active duty in Gulf; previous limit was 125,000 [NYT, LAT 12/4].

129th Israeli reservist is jailed for refusing to serve in o.t. [JPD 12/2 in FBIS 12/3].

In Boston, estimated 8,000 to 10,000 people protest against U.S. military involvement in Gulf [MEM 12/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's defense budget [NYT 12/5].

Arab World: Jordan's P.M. Zeid bin Shaker resigns and is replaced by Mudar Badran, who has held the office twice before. King Husayn asks Badran "to work with the PLO" and support the intifada [NYT, WP 12/5].

Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon concludes 2-day Riyadh meeting, issues communique calling on all parties involved to abide by Taif agreement [FBIS 12/5].

Other Countries: Arab nations at UN ask U.S. not to threaten UN with financial sanctions in future, and to allow PLO observer's seat to be placed near observer nations; in return Arabs will drop campaign to recognize Palestinian statehood [NYT, WP 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2 Israeli army reserve units made up of W. Bank settlers are deployed in Jericho and Ma'radah in W. Bank [FBIS 12/5].

General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 12/7].

Arab World: SLA and Amal forces exchange artillery fire in S. Lebanon [NYT 12/5].

Military Action:

Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new fighting; Israeli sources report new Soviet jets and tanks pouring into Syria; IDF patrol attacked with grenades near Shuweifat.


Shops close in West Beirut as Jumblatt and Druze allies bury bodyguard killed in yesterday's carbombing (3 others reported killed, 28 wounded); UNRWA says 11 employees seized by Lebanese Army in past few weeks, another 1 12 Palestinian employees detained by IDF in South Lebanon; IDF release 240 from Ansar camp (number of detainees at camp now put at 15,000); 2 detainees killed, 4 wounded at Ansar when security officer's gun "discharges accidentally."

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel charges Israeli Army reservist Yitzhak Shor with flying secretly to Damascus, passing information on IDF troops positions and own service to Syrians; Israeli journalists report Israel to sell $18 m. in arms to Zaire to double Mobutu's palace guard.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel makes "urgent appeal" to the US through Draper to pressure Israel to withdraw from Chouf, seeks to deploy units of Lebanese Army in area.

Arab Governments: King Hussein and foreign ministers of 5 Arab governments meet with Soviet leader Andropov (is first known visit by Saudi envoy to USSR); Mubarak says Habib seeks simultaneous withdrawal of all armies by end of month.

US and Other Countries: Habib discusses Lebanon's request to expand multinational peacekeeping force with Italian foreign minister Emilio Colombo in Rome; NATO communique says US, on consultation with allies, should take action outside north Atlantic region to protect vital Western interests, including Mideast.

UN: US withholds regular $20.5 m. contribution to UNRWA pending report on use of schools as PLO training bases.