Sending strong message to coalition allies, Senate votes 98 to 1 to ban arms sales to allies that fail to make good on multibillion-dollar pledges to defray American costs in Gulf war [WP, LAT 3/20].
Angered by U.S. criticism of Japan's refusal to play largerole in Gulf coalition, Japanese consul general in New York blames U.S. for starting crisis by refusing to learn to conserve energy [LAT 3/20].
Kuwaiti prosecutor says his gov't. will seek to hang most of the 600 Iraqi, Palestinians, and other prisoners being held for alleged war crimes [LAT 3/20].
Senior Kuwaiti officials and Arab diplomats say that Iran has been arming and organizing many of the Iraqi rebels in effort to replace Saddam with Shiite gov't. [NYT 3/20].
Israeli army chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron, tells reporters that Israel might safely give up some occupied territory if Israel made satisfactory peace agreements with Arab neighbors; some MKs call for Shomron's immediate resignation, even though he is to retire in a month [NYT, WP 3/20].
In 2d attack in 5 days, Israeli warplanes attack Palestinian stronghold near Sidon, wounding 13. It is 6th such attack this year [LAT, NYT 3/20; JDS 3/19 in FBIS 3/20; MET 4/2].