15 / 15493 Results
  • August 29, 1996

    Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

    To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches...

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  • April 1, 1991

    On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of...

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  • March 19, 1991

    Sending strong message to coalition allies, Senate votes 98 to 1 to ban arms sales to allies that fail to make good on multibillion-dollar pledges to defray American costs in Gulf war [WP, LAT 3/...

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  • November 25, 1990

    Bush admin. says it has enough support to gain approval of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq; U.S. would like UN to set 1 Jan. as deadline for Iraq to leave...

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  • October 24, 1990

    UN Sec. Council unanimously votes to condemn Israel for its refusal to cooperate with UN investigation of Haram al-Sharif shootings. Vote had been delayed 24 hours at request of U.S. to give...

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  • July 29, 1990

    Washington Post reports costs of massive influx of Soviet Jews has begun to hurt Israeli citizens economically, while housing problems have panicked politicians, and strained Israel's budget [WP 7...

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  • February 18, 1990

    Some 8,000 Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel during first 6 weeks of 1990, compared to 12,800 for all 1989 [JDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/21].

    Dozens of recently emigrated Soviet Jews in Jerusalem...

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  • September 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army...

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  • June 14, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army Chief of Staff Dan Shomron proposes a plan to speed up deportation procedures; under plan appeals would be undertaken after...

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  • April 14, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report of investigation into death of Israeli girl killed in Bayta is submitted to Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Shomron [NYT 4/15]. Shop...

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  • April 10, 1988

    Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud ministers David Levy and Ariel Sharon criticize IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron; Sharon demands demolition of all houses in Bayta, except...

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  • March 18, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police announce detention of 2 Israelis on charges of stockpiling weapons allegedly for anti-Arab attacks [WP 3/19]. IDF Chief of Staff...

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  • February 23, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian teenager is shot, killed by Israeli civilian in Baqa al-Sharqiyyah; civilian is released on bail [FJ 2/28]. General strike...

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  • January 24, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF chief of staff, Gen. Dan Shomron, orders soldiers to use force only when necessary to quell disturbances. P. M. Shamir's office...

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  • February 1, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, responding to demands that Israel release 400 prisoners within a week in exchange for 4 university professors...

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Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches his personal atty. Yitzhak Molho to meet with Arafat in Ramallah; authorizes adviser Gold to meet later in day with Arafat adviser Abbas. Senior Israeli negotiator IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron holds 1-hr. talk with PA counterpart PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat in Jerusalem, agrees to resume PISMC mtgs. next wk. (RMC 8/29 in WNC 8/30; NYT, WP, WT 8/30; MBC 8/30 in WNC 9/4; MM 9/2)

In Rome, Egypt's Baz, Italy's FM Lamberto Dini discuss peace process, 8/27-28 mtgs. in Paris. (RE 8/29 in WNC 9/3)

Israeli government approves construction of 2,000 new housing units in West Bank settlements around Jerusalem. (CSM, WP 8/30)

Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Shmuel Meir says the government has issued demolition orders for 70 Palestinian homes in the city that have been constructed without permits. (YA 8/30 in WNC 9/5; PR 9/6)

Israel blames Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) for shooting at bus 8/28, arrests 1 suspect. (HA 8/29 in IL 8/29)

Jordanian police raid JPD headquarters in Karak, arrest a number of party leaders. (SATN 8/29 in WNC 9/3) (see 8/18)

Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier. Both sides then exchange gunfire, wounding 2 Lebanese civilians. (RL 8/29 in WNC 9/3; MM 8/30; QY 8/30 in IL 8/30; JP 9/7)

U.S.-brokered cease-fire goes into effect in n. Iraq. PUK, KDP agree to hold peace talks in London 8/30. (MM 8/29) (see 8/28)

On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of Kurdish rebellion, Pres. Asad says it is "an intemal matter" [MENA 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; SANA 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; NYT, MEM 4/2].

Human rights groups working in Kuwait have turned up no proof to date that thousands of Kuwaitis were executed by Iraqis; Middle East Watch says that number is from 300 to 600. Also refuted is claim that Iraqi troops killed hundreds of premature babies by stealing incubators [WP 4/2].

Inquest by Jerusalem judge into Haram al-Sharif killings last October 8 turns up evidence that contradicts official Israeli gov't. version of events. Border officer testifies he saw other officers "shoot from the hip," in violation of regulations; another officer claims police fired on Palestinians who had sat down and begun to pray [WP, LAT 4/2].

U.S. officials disclose that Nat. Sec. Advisor Brent Scowcroft and senior White House aide Richard Haass made secret trip from 3/25 to 3/27 to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd [WP, MEM 4/2].

Six Kuwaiti opposition groups, 96 leaders in all, sign manifesto demanding democracy [LAT, MEM 4/2].

Lt. Gen. Ehud Baraq assumes position of Israeli chief of staff, replacing Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron [JDS 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/2; FJ 4/8; JPI 4/13].

UNLU issues call no. 69, praising Iraqi "steadfastness" in face of coalition, criticizes attempts to find alternative Palestinian leadership [AVP 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; MEM 4/2].

U.S. State Dep't. criticizes Israel's 3/31 restrictions on Palestinians in o.t., stating what is needed is "dialogue and trust ... not imposing new restrictions" [MEM 4/2].

About 20 mobile homes are set up in West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba to help meet growing housing needs of Soviet Jewish immigrants, around 400 of whom have moved to this settlement over the past year [MEM 4/3].

Israeli human rights group B'Tselem reports Israeli security forces killed 8 Palestinians during March; 5 in West Bank and 3 in Gaza Strip; 1 Israeli civilian was killed in o.t. during the month [FJ 4/8].

In defiance of Lebanese gov't. ban on private militias, PLO says it will not lay down its arms and that its fighters in southern Lebanon will continue to strike at Israel [NYT 4/2; RFL 4/1 in FBIS 4/2]. 

Sending strong message to coalition allies, Senate votes 98 to 1 to ban arms sales to allies that fail to make good on multibillion-dollar pledges to defray American costs in Gulf war [WP, LAT 3/20].

Angered by U.S. criticism of Japan's refusal to play largerole in Gulf coalition, Japanese consul general in New York blames U.S. for starting crisis by refusing to learn to conserve energy [LAT 3/20].

Kuwaiti prosecutor says his gov't. will seek to hang most of the 600 Iraqi, Palestinians, and other prisoners being held for alleged war crimes [LAT 3/20].

Senior Kuwaiti officials and Arab diplomats say that Iran has been arming and organizing many of the Iraqi rebels in effort to replace Saddam with Shiite gov't. [NYT 3/20].

Israeli army chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron, tells reporters that Israel might safely give up some occupied territory if Israel made satisfactory peace agreements with Arab neighbors; some MKs call for Shomron's immediate resignation, even though he is to retire in a month [NYT, WP 3/20].

In 2d attack in 5 days, Israeli warplanes attack Palestinian stronghold near Sidon, wounding 13. It is 6th such attack this year [LAT, NYT 3/20; JDS 3/19 in FBIS 3/20; MET 4/2].

Bush admin. says it has enough support to gain approval of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq; U.S. would like UN to set 1 Jan. as deadline for Iraq to leave Kuwait or face military response (cf. 11/26, 11/27, 11/29) [NYT, WT, WP 11/26; CSM 11/27].

Defense Sec. Dick Cheney says that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would not solve Gulf crisis, because it is "only a matter of time" before Saddam acquires ability to threaten world with nuclear and biological weapons [LAT 11/26].

Teen-aged girl runs at Israeli troops in S. Lebanon "security zone," detonates explosive she had strapped to her body, killing herself and wounding 2 soldiers. National Syrian Socialist Party, a Lebanese group, claims responsibility [JDS 11/25 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, MEM 11/26; JPI 12/1; FJ 12/3; MET 12/4].

Man believed to be an Egyptian border policeman crosses into Israel, opens fire on passing vehicles, killing 4 Israelis and injuring more than 24; wounded by security officer, assailant flees back towards border [QUD, RMC, AFP, CDS, JDS 11/25 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WT, WIP, CSM, MEM 11/26; JPI 12/1; FJ 12/3; MET 12/4].

As part of several new military appointments, Israel announces that Maj. Gen. Ehud Baraq will become next IDF chief of staff as of 1 April 1991, replacing Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron [IDF 11/25 in FBIS 11/28; JPD 11/30 in FBIS 11/30; MEM 11/26; JPI 12/8; LAT 1/1].

UN Sec. Council unanimously votes to condemn Israel for its refusal to cooperate with UN investigation of Haram al-Sharif shootings. Vote had been delayed 24 hours at request of U.S. to give Israel time to reconsider its refusal [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/25; text in MEM 10/25].

Congressional leaders say they will reserve the right to reconvene in the event U.S. goes to war in Gulf while Congress is in recess; provision in adjournment resolution will allow Congress to reconvene [NYT, WP 10/25].

Soviet envoy Primakov arrives in Cairo on 1st part of trip that will include Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq [MEM 10/24; NYT 10/25].

Los Angeles Times reports increased handgun sales in Jerusalem because of tension and violence there since Haram al-Sharif shootings [LAT 10/25].

Faisal Husayni is released from detention on bail after signing commitment not to participate in disturbances; Husayni was arrested on 10/8 on suspicion of inciting Palestinians during Haram al-Sharif incident [JDS 10/24 in FBIS 10/25; MEM 10/25].

Sentencing of 4 Givati Brigade soldiers convicted of beating death of Palestinian is postponed until 10/31 at request of defense attorney after Chief of Staff Dan Shomron suggests soldiers accused of committing offenses at the beginning of intifada not be tried (cf. 10/31) [MEM 10/25].

King Fahd orders an end to further conciliatory-sounding remarks to Iraq, like those made on 10/21 by D.M. Prince Sultan [NYT 10/27].

Saudi Arabia says it will not resume oil sales to Jordan unless Jordan pays disputed 5-year-old debt of $40 million [MEM 10/25]. 

Washington Post reports costs of massive influx of Soviet Jews has begun to hurt Israeli citizens economically, while housing problems have panicked politicians, and strained Israel's budget [WP 7/30].

New York Times reveals for last 4 years, Israeli Foreign Ministry and Jerusalem radio studio have run covert program in which radio reporters were paid to report favorably on gov't.; Foreign Min. statement suspends relationship with radio because "some aspects of current arrangements might be misconstrued," adds there are no journalists on its payroll [NYT 7/30; WP, WT 7/31; IDF 7/30 in FBIS 7/31].

Housing Minister Ariel Sharon introduces to Knesset controversial 5-year $13.5 billion housing plan for Soviet Jews: gov't. to build 45,000 housing units this year and 60,000 in each of next 4 years; gov't. to buy 50,000 mobile homes and 40,000 prefabricated homes within 2 years. Action on proposal is delayed because of opposition from Finance Minister Yitzhak Modai [LAT, WT, MEM 7/30; JPI 8/11].

Israeli leaders are concerned-and King Hussein has recently stated he believes - that water is the only issue that could provoke conflict between Jordan and Israel; Jordanian minister Daoud Khalaf says Israel steals close to 59 billion cubic feet of water a year from Arab sources [WT 7/30].

Israeli police close 2 E. Jerusalem offices of the Institute of Arab Studies under directorship of Faisal Husayni and extend closure of 3d (closed since 7/ 88); offices are to remain closed for 1 year for "public welfare and public good" [JDS 7/29 in FBIS 7/30; MEM 7/30; FJ 8/6].

Israeli chief-of-staff Dan Shomron warns that Shiite fighting is of concern to Israel, which will not hesitate to intervene if it feels its security is threatened [AFP, JDS 7/29 in FBIS 7/30]. 

Some 8,000 Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel during first 6 weeks of 1990, compared to 12,800 for all 1989 [JDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/21].

Dozens of recently emigrated Soviet Jews in Jerusalem protest living conditions, complain of leaking ceilings and nonfunctioning heating systems [LAT 2/ 19; CDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

Ariel Sharon resigns as Industry and Trade Minister, vows to run for P.M., calls elections plan "a mistake" that "will bring more tension, more bloodshed and even a war" [NYT, WP, LAT 2/19; IDF 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

In separate interviews, Chief of Staff Dan Shomron and D.M. Yitzhak Rabin say Israel is not concerned about joint Jordanian-Iraqi ar squadron (cf. 2/ 19) [JDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

D.M. Rabin says U.S. has conceded, though not openly, that U.S.-PLO dialogue has been a failure: "The Americans failed and learned with whom it is possible to deal" [JPD 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army threatens to detain students who go to private school on "Palestine time." Army chief of staff, Dan Shomron, says the army's new policy is to arrest about 700 Palestinians accused of "distributing underground leaflets, enforcing strikes, painting graffiti . . . and attacking suspected collaborators" [NYT 9/6]. In separate interviews, Labor leader Peres says granting a visa to Arafat would not affect U.S. -Israeli relations, while P.M. Shamir reaffirms opposition to Arafat's entry into the U.S. [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Libyan authorities have told dozens of rebel movements around the world, including PLO splinter groups, to expect a cutback in funding and to close their offices in Libya [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 12- year-old Palestinian boy dies of wounds received 8/31; 36-year-old Palestinian in Rafah accused of collaboration is killed, another severely beaten [NYT 9/6]. Army closes 8 W. Bank schools, blaming students for demonstrations and stone throwing [FBIS 9/5; NYT 9/6]. A cooperative effort between IDF and the Air Force will allow IDF to use helicopters to help fight the intifada [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Israeli border troops clash with 3 Arab guerrillas in South Lebanon, 1 guerrilla killed [NYT 9/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army Chief of Staff Dan Shomron proposes a plan to speed up deportation procedures; under plan appeals would be undertaken after deportation [FBIS 6/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Near Ashqelon 6 Palestinians are injured by stonethrowers [FBIS 6/15]. At least 3 Palestinians are shot, injured throughout O.T. [FJ 6/19].

Arab World: IDF planes bomb Palestine Liberation Front base in Kafr Sir, south of Beirut, killing 4 guerrillas, wounding 9 [FBIS 6/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report of investigation into death of Israeli girl killed in Bayta is submitted to Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Shomron [NYT 4/15]. Shop owners in occupied territories strike [NYT 4/15]. UNRWA expresses concern about increasing number of injuries and deaths attributed to tear gas [NYT 4/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus, 2 Palestinians are shot dead by army gunfire during violent clashes [NYT 4/15]. Several demonstrations are reported in Tulkarm region villages. Soldiers and protesters clash in Am'ari camp, near Ramallah, and several areas near Hebron. Military-imposed curfews are in effect in village of Bayta and Nur Shams, Balatah, and Jalazun camps. Several Palestinians are injured during clash in Gaza Strip. Dayr al-Balah camp is still under curfew [FJ 4/17].

Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud ministers David Levy and Ariel Sharon criticize IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron; Sharon demands demolition of all houses in Bayta, except those belonging to those who aided Israeli youths, and establishment of new settlement near village [WP 4/11]. Army spokesman announces it is investigating Palestinian charges that soldiers used bulldozers to damage more than 70 shops and houses in Bayt Ummar on 4/8. Army bulldozes 7 acres of olive trees near Bayta village [WP 4/11]. Israeli youths from group involved in Bayta clash meet with Trade Minister Sharon, criticize army's report of incident [NYT 4/11].

Other Countries: During meeting in Moscow, Gen. Sec. Mikhail Gorbachev urges PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to recognize Israel's right to exist [WP 4/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops and Palestinians clash in several Jenin-district villages and camps. At least 86 are injured or affected by tear gas in Gaza Strip. At Jabalya refugee camp, protesters attack military post for 4th consecutive day. Demonstrations also erupt in Beach camp, Gaza City, and Rafah. Am'ari, Balatah, Jalazun, and 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' camps as well as Bayta and Sa'ir villages are under curfew. Food shortages reported in Jalazun and Am'ari camps. Maythalun, Silat al-Harthiyyah, and Yamun are sealed off and report food shortages [FJ 4/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police announce detention of 2 Israelis on charges of stockpiling weapons allegedly for anti-Arab attacks [WP 3/19]. IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron calls on Israeli leaders to reach accord with Arab leaders and end uprising [WP 3/19]. Israel arrests Muhammad Abu Sha'ban, deputy chairman of Gaza Bar Association, and 4 Palestinian joumalists [FBIS 3/18; WP 3/19]. In Nazareth, large numbers of Palestinians participate in Rakah-organized demonstration [FJ 3/27]. Close to 700 prisoners from Gaza are moved to Ansar 3, newly opened detention camp in Negev desert [FJ 3/27].

Other Countries: U.S. announces it will send special envoy Philip Habib to Middle East in continuing effort to revive peace process [WP 3/19]. UN General Assembly opens emergency session to consider means to keep PLO observer mission open [NYT 3/19]. Former Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark says he will represent PLO in U.S. court efforts to prevent closure of its observer mission to UN [NYT 3/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF helicopters drop tear gas cannisters while soldiers use rubber bullets and live ammunition in violent clash with worshipers leaving mosque in Gaza's Beach refugee camp; 2 Palestinians are killed and at least 21 are injured [WP, NYT 3/19]. In Ramallah, troops pour gravel from helicopters on protesters; 2 Palestinians are wounded by army gunfire [NYT, WP 3/19]. Army bars foreign joumalists from W. Bank and Gaza Strip [WP 3/19]. In Nablus, soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian youth from 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' camp [NYT, FJ 3/20]. Elderly Palestinian dies from effects of tear gas in Jabalya camp [FJ 3/20]. Jalazun is ordered under military curfew. Mass detentions are reported in Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah [FJ 3/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian teenager is shot, killed by Israeli civilian in Baqa al-Sharqiyyah; civilian is released on bail [FJ 2/28]. General strike continues throughout W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 2/28]. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron reiterates policy of using physical force, including beatings, against Palestinian protesters; in letter to troop commanders, Shomron also states that beatings are not to be used against those already under arrest or those not resisting arrest. IDF spokesman confirms army is investigating accusations that soldiers beat and buried 2 Gaza Strip youths on beach near Khan Yunis; youths were later rescued [LAT 2/24]. Palestinian leaders from occupied territories confirm no Palestinians will meet with U.S. Sec. of State Shultz without PLO consent [LAT 2/24]. F.M. Peres dismisses reports suggesting Labor party was to receive bribe for promises not to interfere with proposed Iraqi pipeline [NYT 2/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military vehicle carrying Shin Bet agents is attacked with bombs and gunfire in Gaza; no one is injured and attackers escape [WP, LAT 2/25]. In Yamun village near Jenin, troops use live ammunition to disperse demonstrators throwing fire bombs; 1 Palestinian is killed, 2 soldiers and 5 villagers are wounded. Village is placed under curfew [FJ 2/28]. In al-Birah, troops arrest, beat demonstrators calling for resignation of Israeli-appointed mayor [FJ 2/28]. Soldiers use rubber bullets to disperse 2 marches protesting Shultz visit in 'Izariyyah and Abu Dis villages near Jerusalem; 6 Palestinians are arrested [FJ 2/28]. In Gaza Strip, demonstration erupts in Jabalya camp during visit of Australian F.M. William Hayden; soldiers fire tear gas. Soldiers teargas, arrest protesters in Beach camp [FJ 2/28]. Curfews are lifted in Qalqiliyyah town and Tulkarm-district village of Zanabah. Curfews in Jalazun and Am'ari camps remain in effect [FJ 2/28].

Arab World: Near S. Lebanon village of Barashit, inside Israeli security zone, 2 Israeli soldiers are killed, several others wounded in rocket attack [NYT 2/24]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF chief of staff, Gen. Dan Shomron, orders soldiers to use force only when necessary to quell disturbances. P. M. Shamir's office prevents journalist Hanna Siniora from leaving for U. S. Shops open in Gaza. More than 40,000 Gazans return to jobs in Israel. General strike and scattered violence continue in and around E. Jerusalem [CSM, WP 1/25]. Soldiers use crowbars, break locks in attempt to force shops to open in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 1/3 1]. W. Germany's F. M. Hans Dietrich meets with 7 W. Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinians [FBIS 1/27]. Al-Sha'b editor Salah Zuhayka, arrested 1/14, receives 6-month administrative detention order [FJ 1/31]. Administration of Haifa's Rambam Hospital fires dozens of striking Palestinian workers [FJ 1/31].

Arab World: Jordanian police quickly disperse 150 protesters marching illegally to support Palestinian uprising in W. Bank, Gaza Strip, and E. Jerusalem [NYT 1/25]. Arab foreign ministers meeting in Tunis pledge financial and moral support for Palestinians inW. Bank and Gaza Strip, call for international peace conference [NYT 1/25]. Tunis and Egypt announce resumptionf full diplomatic relations [FJ 1/31].

Other Countries: Rabbi Alexander Schindler, pres. of Union of Am. Hebrew Congregations, criticizes Iraeli policy of "might, power, and beatings" in occupied territories as "morally wrong" [WP 1/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are lifted for Gaza Strip's Nusayrat, Burayj, and Maghazi refugee camps; only Jabalya camp and part of Rafah camp remain under curfew [CSM, WP 1/25]. In the W. Bank, old and new 'Askar camps and village of Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta remain under curfew; Hebron-region village of Sa'ir is still closed military zone [FJ 1/31]. Protesters blockade roads, throw stones in scattered incidents in Jerusalem and 'Anata refugee camp [FBIS 1/25]. In Ramallah, soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to disperse peaceful demonstration; Palestinian bystander is shot in back, seriously injured [FJ 1/31]. Several people are injured, arresteduring clash between army and demonstrators in Hebron district's Bani Na'im village [FJ 1/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, responding to demands that Israel release 400 prisoners within a week in exchange for 4 university professors held in Lebanon, says Israel will not become "an international bank of prisoners" [NYT 2/2]. Israel announces Maj. Gen. Dan Shomron will be next Chief of Staff of IDF [FT 2/3]. Bomb explodes on Egged bus on route from Haifa to Jerusalem, injuring 9 Israelis [FJ 2/6; JP 2/7]. Twelve students suffer acid burns during demonstrations in Jabaliyyah refugee camp [FJ 2/6].