After 2 '/2-hour meeting with Saddam Hussein, Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says only that he has gained a better understanding of Iraq's position in Gulf crisis. Before meeting with Perez de Cuellar, Saddam Hussein tells radio audience that occupied Kuwait would remain 19th Iraqi province [LAT, WT, WP, NYT 1/14].
Bush admin. mobilizes interagency task force to recommend how to deal with complex political problems that will exist after Gulf crisis [LAT 1/14]; Kuwaiti planners also look towards rebuilding operations [WP 1/14].
Pentagon officials say massive Iraqi force entrenched in Kuwait would require weeks to withdraw completely [WP 1/141. Saudi King Fahd and Libyan leader Qaddafi appeal to Saddam Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait and spare his fellow Arabs [LAT 1/14].