Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising's leaflet no. 12 calls for protests during upcoming visit of Sec. of State Shultz [LAT 4/1]. All telephone lines to Gaza Strip are cut [NYT 4/2]. Police officer is stabbed, slightly injured in Jerusalem; attacker is arrested [NYT, WP 4/2]. Two Palestinians wounded during demonstrations in W. Bank village of Yamun die from injuries [NYT 4/2]. Pres. Chaim Herzog orders release from prison of Yitzhaq Ganiram and Ira Rappaport, serving sentences for attacks on Palestinian students and 2 W. Bank mayors [NYT 4/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army lifts 3-day old curfew on W. Bank and Gaza Strip at 3 am; 5-hour nightly curfew will continue in Gaza; media ban is lifted [LAT 4/1]. By noon, 20 refugee camps and villages are sealed off or placed under curfew [NYT 4/2]. Army reports 2Palestinian youths are killed, 13 others injured when patrol opens fire after it is attacked with firebombs in village of Idna, near Hebron; Palestinian sources report youths were killed when troops attacked mosque to disperse rockthrowing protesters [NYT, WP 4/2].