22 / 15493 Results
  • June 19, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir states that intifadah will be confronted with "iron fist" [NYT 6/20]. Yitzhaq Mordekhay, military commander of Gaza, will replace...

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  • March 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Yitzhaq Rabin announces Fateh has refrained from attacking Israeli positions [WP 3/29].

    Arab World: Saudi Arabia's King Fahd...

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  • March 16, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in...

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  • November 11, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF places the Gaza Strip under curfew, prohibits transportation to and from the W. Bank [WP 11/12, FJ 11/13]. Likud leader Yitzhaq...

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  • September 22, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are imposed in Tulkarm, Dannabah, 'Azzun, Husan, and Beach camp [FJ 9/25].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/...

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  • August 31, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike protesting Israel's decision to deport 25 Palestinians continues [NYT 9/1].

    Military Action


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  • August 10, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking before the Knesset P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir says any attempt to establish independent Palestinian state on the W. Bank will be met...

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  • August 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: At inner cabinet meeting ministers Yitzhaq Modai and Ariel Sharon call for Israeli annexation of occupied territories; ministers from...

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  • July 17, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Detainees at Ansar 3 prison (also known as Ketziot) begin 2-day hunger strike demanding improved conditions [JP 7/20].

    Arab World...

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  • June 1, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official announces that government services on the W. Bank are being curtailed due to Palestinian failure to pay taxes and to...

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  • May 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in...

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  • May 18, 1988

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: One Palestinian is killed, as many as 15 are wounded, and hundreds arrested as soldiers clash with Arabs in the neighboring villages of 'Ibwayn...

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  • April 1, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising's leaflet no. 12 calls for protests during upcoming visit of Sec. of State Shultz [LAT 4/1]....

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  • January 25, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin says new policy of "power, force, and beating" has brought "relative calm" to W. Bank and Gaza...

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  • January 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin announces new policy of using "might, power, and beating" instead of live ammunition to quell...

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  • January 17, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Labor Minister Moshe Katsav says workers from S. Lebanon and Europe will join Israeli high school students to replace...

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  • December 28, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering meets with Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin, says U.S. will send diplomatic observers...

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  • December 10, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Abba Eban testifies in Mordechai Vanunu's trial for espionage and treason. Trial is adjourned for 2 weeks [WP 12/11]. Palestinian...

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  • December 3, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman reports Israel will court-martial commanding officer and guard of camp attacked by Palestinian fighter in hang glider...

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  • November 26, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern...

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  • November 25, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 150,000 Palestinian school children in Israel begin 3-day strike in solidarity with Arab local councils' week-long strike. Convoy...

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  • November 20, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political activist Mubarak 'Awad defies Israeli deportation order, takes refuge in al-Aqsa Mosque [LAT 11/21]. Al-Fajr and ...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir states that intifadah will be confronted with "iron fist" [NYT 6/20]. Yitzhaq Mordekhay, military commander of Gaza, will replace Amram Mitznas military commander of W. Bank; Matan Vilna'i will become commander of Gaza [FBIS 6/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 7 Palestinians are shot, injured in Gaza Strip. Settlers,olders shoot, wound 4 Palestinians in W. Bank. Curfews in Farra, Tulkarm camps enter 13th day [FJ 6/26]. Soldiers destroy or seal 4 Palestinian houses in W. Bank [FBIS 6/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Yitzhaq Rabin announces Fateh has refrained from attacking Israeli positions [WP 3/29].

Arab World: Saudi Arabia's King Fahd and Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meet in Egypt, discuss Middle East peace, bilateral relations [FBIS 3/29]. Chedli Klibi is reelected chairman of Arab League for 3rd 5-year term [FBIS 3/29]. PLO Executive Committee nominates Arafat to be president of State of Palestine [FBIS 3/29]. In Cairo, Arafat meets with leaders of Muslim Brotherhood [FBIS 4/5].

Other Countries: French Pres. Mitterand announces he will meet with PLO chairman Arafat [FBIS 3/29, FJ 4/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 19-year-old Palestinian from Salim dies from wounds received 3/13 [FJ 4/3]. At least 10 Palestinians are injured during clashes in O.T. In Balata 3 women are treated after receiving cut wounds on the head during clashes with troops [FBIS 3/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in first 2 weeks of March only 60 of the 1,641 Jews leaving Soviet Union went to Israel [FBIS 3/16, JP 3/25].

Arab World: Egypt takes full control of Taba [WP 3/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burqin Israeli troops destroy homes of 3 Palestinians [FBIS 3/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF places the Gaza Strip under curfew, prohibits transportation to and from the W. Bank [WP 11/12, FJ 11/13]. Likud leader Yitzhaq Shamir promises religious parties that Likud-led government would amend the "who is a Jew" law [NYT 11/12]. Poll shows 68% of Israeli public favor another "National Unity" government [NYT 11/ 12]. Authorities order schools closed in East Jerusalem on 11/14, 11/15 [FJ 11/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem troops fire on, wound 12-year-old boy. In Gaza soldiers destroy the homes of 12 Palestinians, alleging that they are member of Islamic Jihad. In Jabalya 2 houses are sealed [FJ 11/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are imposed in Tulkarm, Dannabah, 'Azzun, Husan, and Beach camp [FJ 9/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus at least 24 Palestinians are injured during demonstrations. In Burqa village three Palestinians are injured during clashes. In Jiftlik 12 Arab houses are demolished. In Tulkarm at least 80 Palestinians are arrested after curfew is imposed. In Khan Yunis Palestinians protest visit by Israeli DM Yitzhaq Rabin; 2 Palestinians are shot. Fierce demonstrations are reported at Beach camp [FJ 9/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike protesting Israel's decision to deport 25 Palestinians continues [NYT 9/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army gunfire kills 3 Palestinians, wounds at least 16 during clashes in the occupied territories. Israeli PM Yitzhaq Shamir urges more relaxed rules for soldiers, settlershooting at Palestinians. Jewish settler shoots, wounds 2 Israeli soldiers by accident [WP 9/1]. In Beach camp 4 Palestinians are shot [FI 9/ 4]. Davar reports that a prisoner who died at Dhahriyyah prison had been tortured; the Israeli Prison Authority claims he committed suicide [FJ 9/4]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking before the Knesset P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir says any attempt to establish independent Palestinian state on the W. Bank will be met with "iron fist" [WP 8/11]. Shamir also says Israel "possesses rights in all spheres concerning Judea, Samria, and Gaza" [NYT 8/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: During demonstrations near Nablus troops shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian [NYT 8/11, FJ 8/14]. Ramallah is declared closed military zone after two firebombs damage military vehicle, injure driver [FJ 8/14]. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, live ammunition to quell demonstrations in Beach, Jabalya camps [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Burayj, Bethlehem, Gaza City [FJ 8/14]. The curfew in Burayj enters its 3rd week [FJ 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: At inner cabinet meeting ministers Yitzhaq Modai and Ariel Sharon call for Israeli annexation of occupied territories; ministers from Labor party counter that annexation of 850,000 W. Bank Palestinians would dilute the Jewish character of Israel [WP 8/4]. In Nablus total strike is observed [FJ 8/7].

Arab World: In Baghdad the PLO announces it will perform duties of legitimate representative of Palestinian people; it gives little indication how it will carry out its new duties in territories [WP 8/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF destroys 10 homes, seals 2 of families of people suspected of throwing Molotov cocktails at army patrols, settlers [WP 8/4, FJ 8/7]. In Nablus Israeli troops use rubber bullets, helicopters to quell demonstrators. In Irtas, near Bethlehem, troops arrest 11. Clashes occur in Salfit, Jabalya, Khan Yunis, Rafah, Gaza City, Beach, Bayt Hanun, and Bayt Lahiya [FJ 8/7].

Other Countries: Negotiations in U.S. Congress clear way for Kuwait to buy sophisticated weapons from U.S.; restriction will be placed on the weapons to ensure Israeli security [WP 8/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Detainees at Ansar 3 prison (also known as Ketziot) begin 2-day hunger strike demanding improved conditions [JP 7/20].

Arab World: In Baghdad Bassam Abu Sharif, spokesman for Yasir Arafat, tells Agence France Presse that Yitzhaq Shamir, through Romanian intermediaries, offered to let PLO take control of parts of the territories [NYT 7/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Petah Tikva 22-year-old Palestinian from Jit is shot dead by Israeli soldier [FJ 7/24]. In Nablus Palestinian is shot in the chest during demonstration [FJ 7/24]. In Kafr Haris settlers cut down 35 trees [FJ 7/24].

Arab World: 3 men convicted of taking part in the 1981 assassination of Pres. Anwar Sadat of Egypt escape from a maximum security prison outside Cairo [NYT 7/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official announces that government services on the W. Bank are being curtailed due to Palestinian failure to pay taxes and to the general economic decline in the area [WP 6/2, LAT 6/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arabs stage protests marking International Children's Day. An 11-year-old Palestinian was crushed by an army barricade [NYT 6/4, WP 6/2]. In Jerusalem Red Cross offices are occupied by about 100 Palestinian women and children [LAT 6/4]. D.M. Yitzhaq Rabin meets with Palestinians in attempt to end violence in the occupied territories. Rabin says the Palestinians had nothing to offer [WT 6/2]. In Qalqiliyyah IDF troops bulldoze 30 citrus trees [FJ 6/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in Lebanon for fear it may endanger the lives of the hostages held in Beirut [LAT 5/20].

Arab World: Egyptian foreign minister 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid arrives in Moscow; is expected to sign a major, five-year economic and trade agreement with the U.S.S.R. [WT 5/20].

Military Actio

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews in 'Anabta and Tulkarm enter sixth day, army prevents food, medical supplies from entering [FJ 5/22]. In the village of Salim, IDF uproots almond and olive trees along the main road [FJ 5/22]. In Hebron P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir says that Israel was on the way to restoring "anormal situation" in the occupied territories UP 5/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: One Palestinian is killed, as many as 15 are wounded, and hundreds arrested as soldiers clash with Arabs in the neighboring villages of 'Ibwayn and 'Arurah. The army uses helicopters, bulldozers, gravel throwers, and military vehicles in attempting house-to-house searches for wanted men [WP 5/19, WT 5/19, FJ 5/22]. Troops shoot 2 Palestinian youths during demonstrations in Nablus [FJ 5/22]. D. M. Yitzhaq Rabin announces that Israeli high school students in paramilitary groups will not be allowed to train in IDF bases in which Palestinian prisoners are kept. This is a result of reports of a 16-year-old Israeli beating Palestinians at the suggestion of Israeli soldiers at the Ofer camp [WP 5/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising's leaflet no. 12 calls for protests during upcoming visit of Sec. of State Shultz [LAT 4/1]. All telephone lines to Gaza Strip are cut [NYT 4/2]. Police officer is stabbed, slightly injured in Jerusalem; attacker is arrested [NYT, WP 4/2]. Two Palestinians wounded during demonstrations in W. Bank village of Yamun die from injuries [NYT 4/2]. Pres. Chaim Herzog orders release from prison of Yitzhaq Ganiram and Ira Rappaport, serving sentences for attacks on Palestinian students and 2 W. Bank mayors [NYT 4/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army lifts 3-day old curfew on W. Bank and Gaza Strip at 3 am; 5-hour nightly curfew will continue in Gaza; media ban is lifted [LAT 4/1]. By noon, 20 refugee camps and villages are sealed off or placed under curfew [NYT 4/2]. Army reports 2Palestinian youths are killed, 13 others injured when patrol opens fire after it is attacked with firebombs in village of Idna, near Hebron; Palestinian sources report youths were killed when troops attacked mosque to disperse rockthrowing protesters [NYT, WP 4/2]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin says new policy of "power, force, and beating" has brought "relative calm" to W. Bank and Gaza Strip. Striking shopowners in Ramallah charge soldiers have been beating them indiscriminately [WP 1/26]. Yediot Aharonot reports Palestinian workers are refusing to make wooden clubs for the army [LAT 1/26]. P. M. Shamir lifts travel restrictions on journalist Hanna Siniora. Cabinet Sec. Elyakim Rubinstein leaves on official visit to U.S. [WP 1/27]. Almost total commercial strike in E. Jerusalem keeps stores closed [FBIS 1/26]. Four Gazans facing deportation withdraw appeals to Israeli High Court [FBIS 1/25].

Arab World: In Sidon, Palestinian Revolutionary Council releases Amal official Hasan Darwish al-Darwish [FBIS 1/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews on new and old 'Askar refugee camps are lifted; Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta curfew and Sa'ir blockade remain in force [FBIS 1/25]. Soldiers beat and teargas stone-throwing demonstrators in Rafah camp [FBIS 1/26]. Demonstrators blockade roads in al-Tur and other Jerusalem neighborhoods. Military lifts Jabalya camp curfew allowing workers to go to jobs in Israel. Curfew on Rafah camp is also lifted. In village of Idna, soldiers seize Arab-owned buses to raid village, attack protesters using tear gas and rubber bullets. Several villagers are injured. Many Palestinians are injureduring army's night raid of 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' camp. Throughout territories, reports indicate many Palestinians suffer broken bones, other injuries caused by army beatings. In Gaza Strip's Nusayrat camp, troops force about 10,000 men to spend night in open air [FJ 1/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin announces new policy of using "might, power, and beating" instead of live ammunition to quell disturbances. At least 38 Palestinians have been killed since uprising began 12/9 [WP 1/21]. Rabin bans food shipments by relief agencies to Palestinian refugee camps until general strike ends. General strike continues. Soldiers order W. Bank and E. Jerusalem businessmen toopen shops [NYT 1/20]. Food trucks are allowed to enter Khan Yunis, Jabalya,nd Nusayrat refugee camps; trucks are denied entrance to Dayr al-Balah and Burayj camps [WP 1/20]. Military, police, and Jerusalem city officials arrange to invoke emergency powers for Jerusalem police [NYT 1/21]. Dozens are arresteduring police sweep of E. Jerusalem's Shu'fat and Thuri neighborhoods [FJ 1/24].

Arab World: PFLP Sec. Gen. George Habash travels to Lebanon, meets with 4 Palestinians deported by Israel [FBIS 1/20]. Radio al-Quds broadcasts call for general strike [FBIS 1/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelis drop tear gas from helicopters then open fire with rubber bullets, live ammunition in clash with stone-throwing demonstrators in Ramallah-area village of al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah; 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded [WP 1/23]. Military lifts curfew on Balatah refugee camp [FJ 1/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Labor Minister Moshe Katsav says workers from S. Lebanon and Europe will join Israeli high school students to replace Palestinian laborers. Education Minister Yitzhaq Navon orders mobilization of high school students to help harvest citrus crops [NYT 1/18]. Police Minister Chaim Bar-Lev denies Israeli police fired tear gas into mosques in 1/15 clash. UNRWA sends 8 trucks of food to wait at gates of refugee camps until army allows them to enter. UN Undersec. Gen. Marrack Goulding ends week-long visit [LAT 1/18]. Israeli High Court delays deportation of 4 Palestinians until after their appeals are heard [LAT 1/18; CSM 1/19]. Peace Now stages demonstration outside P. M. Shamir's office to begin week of activities protesting situation in occupied territories [FBIS 1/21]. Demonstration at UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City condemns occupation, demands UNRWA be allowed access to camps [FJ 1/24]. Military court orders Gaza attorney Raji al-Surani to pay IS 1,500 fine or spend 15 days in prison for refusing to defend a client [FJ 1/24].

Arab World: Amal leader Nabih Birri announces end of 3-year siege of W. Beirut's Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps and S. Lebanon's Rashidiyyah camp [LAT 1/18].

Other Countries: In interview, PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat denies local leaders in occupied territories challenge his position, calls for UN peacekeeping force in W. Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Benjamin Netanyahu said violence must be ended before talks begin, denies Israel is preventing food from reaching W. Bank and Gaza Strip [LAT 1/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel maintains round-the-clock curfews on all 8 Gaza Strip refugee camps, lifts all W. Bank curfews except in town of Salfit [LAT, NYT 1/18]. Soldiers teargas demonstrators outside Ramallah church. Youths stone soldiers breaking locks on Ramallah stores to force owners to open; at least 1 soldier is injured. Residents of al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah are prevented from leaving village for 10th straight day. Several are injured in Balatah when Israeli troops open fire on protesters. Demonstrators in Jalazun blockade roads, stone soldiers, attack Israeli central region commander [FJ 1/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering meets with Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin, says U.S. will send diplomatic observers to military trials of Palestinians arrested during recent violence [WP 12/29]. More than 300 Palestinian women hold 3-hour sit-in at UNRWA's Gaza office. Similar protest is held at Red Cross headquarters in Jerusalem [FJ 1/3]. Israel orders 2 Ramallah UNRWA schools, al-Tirah College and Teachers' College, closed for 1 month effective 12/22 [FJ 1/3]. Family of youth killed in recent Gaza uprising is ordered to pay IS 5,000 in medical costs related to shooting [FJ 1/3].

Arab World: Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal) announces execution of 5 charged with spying for Jordan and Israel [FJ 1/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF begins military maneuvers in Golan Heights and eastern Galilee [FBIS 12/29]. In Gaza Strip, military lifts curfew on Jabalya refugee camp; 2 entrances to Burayj camp are sealed [NYT 12/29].

Arab World: Amal militiamen capture, kill 4 members of Fateh near Beirut's Shatila refugee camp [FJ 1/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Abba Eban testifies in Mordechai Vanunu's trial for espionage and treason. Trial is adjourned for 2 weeks [WP 12/11]. Palestinian wounded in Gaza clash with Israeli troops 12/9 dies [FJ 12/13]. In Nablus, Ahmad 'Ali Abu Jabir receives life sentence for killing Israeli soldier [FJ 12/13]. In Dhahriyyahrea, Israeli officials demolish 5 houses alleging they were built without permits [FJ 12/13]. Islamic U. in Gaza suspends classes for 3 days because of tension in the Strip [FJ 12/13]. Israeli High Court denies Faysal Husayni's appeal for early release [FJ 12/13]. Com. to Protect Journalists, non-partisan, New York-based group, protests administrative detention of Radwan Abu 'Ayyash to Def. Min. Yitzhaq Rabin [FJ 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Palestinians bum tires, block roads, throw stones in demonstrations throughout Gaza Strip. In Khan Yunis, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded when soldiers open fire on crowd throwing Molotov cocktails; 2 others are wounded in Gaza. In Nablus soldiers use live ammunition against youths throwing rocks, iron bars; 1 Palestinian is killed. In Qalandiya refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, Israeli police clash with Palestinian students; 6 policemen, 6 students are reported injured [NYT 12/11]. Israeli troops fire tear gas, bullets at demonstrators in Balatah refugee camp, wounding 3. Curfew is imposed on Balatah; shopkeepers strike [FJ 12/13]. Demonstrators in Rafah raze gate dividing Egyptian and Israeli-occupied sections; Israeli soldiers open fire, injuring 1 [FJ 12/13].

Arab World: Lebanese militiamen attack Israeli patrol boat off coast of S. Lebanon; 1 Israeli naval officer is killed before Arab fishing boat is sunk [WP 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesman reports Israel will court-martial commanding officer and guard of camp attacked by Palestinian fighter in hang glider attack [NYT 12/4]. Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin meets with Jordanian parliamentarians in W. Bank [FJ 12/6]. In Husan village near Bethlehem, border guards protect settlers who uproot more than 300 olive seedlings, replanted after 12/1 attack [FJ 12/6].

Other Countries: In U.S., congressional conference com. approves amendment prohibiting PLO from having any permanent office in U.S. [NYT 12/12]. U.S. State Dept. orders PIO's landlord to cut off electricity, water, and telephone service; office is closed [WSJ 12/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrations continue in Khan Yunis for 5th consecutive day: secondary school students throw stones, burn tires. Soldiers respond with bullets, tear gas [FJ 12/6]. Balatah youth is shot, wounded by Israeli soldiers who claim he failed to halt [FJ 12/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern Israel. P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir blames Syria for permitting attack to be launched from Biqa' Valley [WP 11/27]. Israeli military authorities place 6 W. Bank Palestinians under administrative dtention [FJ 11/29]. Israeli prosecutor in Gaza Strip drops case against 3 Jewish settlers charged with April 1987 kidnapping of Palestinian boy [FJ 11/29]. Israeli High Court orders that 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Awdah of Gaza not be deported until his case is reviewed [FJ 11/29].

Arab World: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command claims responsibility for hang glider attack on northern Israel 11/25 [NYT 11/27].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian hang glider pilot in S. Lebanon [NYT 11/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 150,000 Palestinian school children in Israel begin 3-day strike in solidarity with Arab local councils' week-long strike. Convoy organized by local councils travels from Nazareth to Jerusalem to protest official discrimination against Palestinians inside the green line [FJ 11/29].

Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir leaves U.S. after week-long visit [WSJ 11/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian hang glider lands in northern Israel; fida'i kills 6 Israeli soldiers, wounds 6 others before being killed [NYT 11/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political activist Mubarak 'Awad defies Israeli deportation order, takes refuge in al-Aqsa Mosque [LAT 11/21]. Al-Fajr and al-Sha'b resume publication [FJ 11/22]. Augusta Victoria Hospital employees hold 1-day strike, demanding higher salaries and better working conditions [FJ 11/22]. Large march in Nazareth protests Iraeli actions in occupied territories [FJ 11/22].

Other Countries: Israeli P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir meets with U.S. Pres. Reagan and Sec. of State Shultz in Washington [LAT 11/21]. Shamir says he is willing to meet Jordan's King Hussein but rejects international peace conference [NYT 11/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Strip, IDF troops fire live ammunition ad tear gas at demonstrators demanding cancellation of 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Awdah's expulsion order [FJ 11/22].