Wednesday, September 16, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several W. Bank and Jerusalem Palestinian political activists are arrested, charged with organizing demonstrations [WP 9/17; FJ 9/20]. Bethlehem U. students hold symbolic funeral to commemorate 5th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacres [FJ 9/20]. Inner cabinet adopts economic and cultural sanctions against S. Africa [NYT, WP 9/17]. Palestinian political prisoners at Nafha Prison begin 2-day hunger strike to protest conditions; strike at Ashkelon Prison enters 6th week [FJ 9/20]. Authorities arrest 12 Palestinians in occupied territories: 3 are placed under administrative detention for 6 months; 9 receive 9-day detentions for planning strikes, demonstrations [FJ 9/20]. Israeli High Court rules non-striking Palestinian lawyers have right to form union [FJ 9/20]. Al-Najah U. administration adopts new regulations concerning campus mosque, religious celebrations [FJ 9/20]. Israeli authorities confiscate copies of Arabic dailies in the occupied territories [FJ 9/20].

Other Countries: Hasan 'Abd al-Rahman, director of Palestine Information Office in U.S., says he will sue to prevent State Dept.-ordered closure of PIO [LAT 9/18].

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanese National Resistance Front, groups of Syrian-sponsored Palestinian and leftist Lebanese fighters, attack Israeli patrol just north of Israeli border, killing 3 Israelis. Israeli sources allege guerrillas were trying to infiltrate border and take hostages. In Rashayyah, Israeli infantry and helicopters follow group of fighters spotted approaching Israeli border; 3 guerrillas are killed [WP 9/17].