Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 400 students protesting arrest of Palestinians and supporting prison hunger strike clash with Israeli soldiers outside Birzeit University; 1 student shot dead, at least 3 others wounded, 40 arrested. BZU is ordered closed for 4 months [NYT, CSM 4/14]. Bethlehem U. ordered closed for a week [LAT 4/14]. Body of student killed in clash at BZU is smuggled to his family's home in Rafah refugee camp for burial [FJ 4/19]. Al-Najah U. closes until 4/18 in solidarity with BZU [FJ 4/19]. Arab bakers in Jewish quarter of Jerusalem remove bread from windows in response to threats from Orthodox Jews who object to displaying bread during Passover [BS 4/14]. Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails end hunger strike after Prison Authority Director David Mainmon promises humane treatment [FJ 4/19].
Arab World: Leaders of various PLO factions meet in Algiers [NYT, LAT 4/14]. Syrian troops smuggle British physician Pauline Cutting and her nursing staff out of Burj al-Barajinah because of threats from Amal [FJ 4/19].