Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli settler stabbed to death in Gaza market; Gaza put under curfew (FBIS 9/29). Responsibility claimed by Fateh's "Force 17" (AFP 9/27).
Military Action
Arab World: Heavy fighting between rival Christian militias in East Beirut; Syrian-backed Muslim and Christian militiamen under Ilyas Hubayqa cross green line from West Beirut (first time in civil war that armed forces have crossed from west Beirut to east) and attack Lebanese forces under Samir Ja'ja'. Fighting is brought under control by Lebanese army (NYT 9/28); 62 dead, 198 wounded by one account (WP 9/29). 52 dead, 200 wounded by another (NYT 9/29). New York Times quotes local sources saying fighting resulted from coup attempt against President Jumayyil.