Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following inquiries from Red Cross, Israeli army orders investigation into 9/17 killing of Munthir 'Awad, 18, of Gaza, by Israeli army [JP 9/19]. Women relatives of prisoners in Gaza prison begin sit-in at Red Cross office in Gaza to protest recent harassment and harsh measures used against prisoners [FJ 9/27]. Members of Lifta Gang who conspired to blow up Dome of the Rock last year are sentenced to 8 years in jail; 2 others who ordered the operation are found mentally incompetent and are institutionalized [JP 9/19]. The Central Bureau of Statistics announces Israel's population is 4.255 million: 82.5% Jewish; 13.5% Muslim; 2.3% Christian; 1.7% Druze and other. During the past year, the pop. increased 1.8%-1. 6% among Jews and 3.2% among Muslims [JTA 9/19]. Ethiopian Jews in Israel mark 15th day of sit-in protest on a Jerusalem street comer opposite the main offices of the chief rabbinate; the rabbinical authorities insisthe Ethiopians must undergo ritual conversion before marriage [LAT 9/19].
Other Countries: Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East that arms sales to Jordan are necessary to continue the momentum of the peace process and that the administration will go ahead with plans to sponsor such a sale [LAT 9/19]. P.M. Thatcher, on visit to 'Amman, states opportunity for peace must be seized before the end of the year and asks all parties to the conflicto take risks for peace [LT, FT, MG 9/19]. Mexico agrees to buy $21 million worth of Israeli goods by the end of this year and agrees to raise the amount for next year, in an effort to induce Israel to continue oil purchases from Mexico [JP 9/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jamal 'Awad, 18, of Gaza, is shot 4 times, critically wounded by Israeli soldiers after reportedly refusing to stop when ordered [FJ 9/20, 27].
Arab World: Over last few days, 26 residents of Bint Jbail, allegedly members of Hizballah, arrested on suspicion of attacking Israeli army, SLA soldiers in area; weapons found [JP 9/19]. SLA reportedly captures one guerrilla, kills another trying to infiltrate Hasbaya from Biqa' Valley [JP 9/20].
Other Countries: Palestinian publisher Michel Numari, 37, is shot and killed in central Athens by unidentified gunmen. Numari, who published al-Nashra Arabic weekly magazine, was said to be close to Yasir Arafat [LT, JP 9/19].