Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet holds 6-hour debate on P.M. Peres' recent overtures to Jordan; unity govt. appears in no danger, but Likud members charge Peres violated basic agreement in formation of unity govt. whereby peace efforts were to adhere to the 1979 Camp David framework [NYT, LAT 10/28]. Washington Post reports W. Bank Palestinians oppose Peres' proposals because they attempt to exclude the PLO [WP 10/27]. The Observer reports P.M. Shimon Peres met secretly earlier in the month with King Hussein in Paris, urged Hussein to come out publicly in favor of direct talks with Israel [OB 10/27].
Arab World: Jordanian Min. of Info. Muhammad Khatib states bilateral talks with Israel outside international conference and without the PLO are unacceptable to Jordan [WP 10/28].
Other Countries: Red Cross officials state Israeli and SLA troops have prevented them from seeing scores of prisoners being held in S. Lebanon since June. Over 100 families await word of missing relatives who have disappeared inside the security zone [TS 10/28]. French Pres. Francois Mitterrand supports Shimon Peres' offer to negotiate directly with Jordan, pledges French assistance in the process [JTA 10/28].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli planes raid alleged guerrilla bases in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley, the 13th such raid this year. Planes are said to have made direct hits on PFLP-GC bases. Christian radio station Voice of Lebanon reports base belonging to proSyrian al-Sa'iqa faction is also hit. No casualties are reported; tanks and ammunition dumps are reportedly hit [NYT, TS 10/28].