Wednesday, July 10, 1985


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fifteen Jewish underground defendants found guilty, ending thirteen-monthrial in Jerusalem District Court. Group leader Menachem Livni, Shaul Nir, Uzi Sharabaf are convicted of murder, will receive mandatory life sentences; 12 others convicted of charges including attempted murder, manslaughter, attempted sabotage, illegal possession and transport of arms and explosives, damage to military property, membership in a terrorist organization, conspiracy to blow up the Dome of the Rock Mosque, and failure to prevent acrime [LT, NYT, WP 7/1 1].

Other Countries: Argentina will not let PLO open office in Buenos Aires, nor move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Deputy Foreign Minister Jorge Sabato says [JTA 7/11].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF jets and helicopter gunships attack Nahr al-Barid and al-Baddawi Palestinian refugee camps near Tripoli, killing at least 24 and wounding 90. Refugee camps said to be bases for Abu Musa faction and PFLP-GC [LAT, PI, NYT, WP, AP 7/11].