Tuesday, August 13, 1985


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel tells U.S. it would object to meetings between a Palestinian-Jordanian delegation and Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy, who arrived in 'Amman today for talks with Jordanian leaders [NYT, WP 8/14]. Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh arrive in 'Amman, timing arrival to coincide with that of Richard Murphy [CT 8/14]. Attomey General Yitzhak Zamir calls for prosecution of a general, 5members of the Shin Bet, 3 soldiers, and 3 police officers in connection with the beating of 2 captured Palestinian bus hijackers who died shortly afterwards [NYT 8/14]. Zamir accepts the recommendation of a special investigating committee that a general implicated inthe deaths not be charged with homicide [WP 8/14]. Israeli army officers break into apartment in Hebron's old market and evict group of 8 settler squatters who had moved in 8/12 after the stabbing of a settler [JP 8/14]. P. M. Peres says IDF soldier Samir Asad, missing in action from the war in Lebanon, is being held captive by the DFLP in Damascus [JP 8/14]. Israel releases 101 more Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners from Atlit prison; 230 more prisoners remain in Atlit [JP, MG 8/14]. Visiting Honduran Foreign Minister Dr. Edgardo Paz Bamica meets with Foreign Min. Shamir; discusses possibility ofupgrading diplomatic relations between the two countries [JTA 8/14].