Saturday, June 9, 1984


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Arab nurses fired from Tel Aviv hospital on charge of "using terrorist tactics" on Jewish patients. Police order 13 al-Shayah/Ras 'Amoud families to vacate in 21 days homes built on land claimed sold to Israel in 1928. Arab World: In Beirut mtg. with UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar, Lebanese Pres. Gemayel and PM Karami urge Israel's speedy withdrawal from Lebanon; De Cuellar offers UN as mediating body in negotiations, but rejects Sharon's suggestion that UN troops act as buffer between Syria and IDF in Beqaa.

Other Countries: Demonstrators in Colombo protest presence of Mossad counterinsurgency advisors in Sri Ianka at Pres. Jayewardene's request.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF command post in Tyre comes under light arms fire; RPGs fired on IDF in N. Sidon.