3 / 15493 Results
  • June 28, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Supreme Court overrules Central Election Com. decision and allows Kach and Progressive List for Peace slates in July elections. About 40...

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  • June 9, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Arab nurses fired from Tel Aviv hospital on charge of "using terrorist tactics" on Jewish patients. Police order 13 al-Shayah/Ras '...

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  • May 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 25 Jewish terror suspects formally charged with membership in "terrorist organization"; suspects names remain secret. Musrara...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Supreme Court overrules Central Election Com. decision and allows Kach and Progressive List for Peace slates in July elections. About 40 IDF soldiers, including elite Golani Brigade members, demonstrate against IDF presence in Lebanon, deliver written protests to PM Shamir and DM Arens. Town arrest renewed for 6 mos. for al-Fajr journalists Musa Jaradat & Fathi Jaradat in Sa'ir, near Hebron. Oslo University donates 2,000 books to Najah Nat'l. U.

Arab World: In Quneitra (Golan Heights) ceremony, Israel exchanges 291 Syrian soldiers & 20 Golan residents held prisoner for 6 POWs taken by Syria; bodies of 5 IDF and 72 Syrian casualties also exchanged.

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Colombo hotel killing local woman; Sri Lanka police believe intended for 2 resident Israeli advisors.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Arab nurses fired from Tel Aviv hospital on charge of "using terrorist tactics" on Jewish patients. Police order 13 al-Shayah/Ras 'Amoud families to vacate in 21 days homes built on land claimed sold to Israel in 1928. Arab World: In Beirut mtg. with UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar, Lebanese Pres. Gemayel and PM Karami urge Israel's speedy withdrawal from Lebanon; De Cuellar offers UN as mediating body in negotiations, but rejects Sharon's suggestion that UN troops act as buffer between Syria and IDF in Beqaa.

Other Countries: Demonstrators in Colombo protest presence of Mossad counterinsurgency advisors in Sri Ianka at Pres. Jayewardene's request.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF command post in Tyre comes under light arms fire; RPGs fired on IDF in N. Sidon. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 25 Jewish terror suspects formally charged with membership in "terrorist organization"; suspects names remain secret. Musrara shopkeepers strike, Arab Chamber of Commerce (Jerusalem) meet to protest Israeli VAT collections, illegal under international law. West Bank military coordinator meets with Bethlehem & Beit Sahour mayors. Liberal Party votes to continue 19-yr.-old alliance with Herut.

Other Countries: At American Jewish Press Association conference US Sec. of Defense Weinberger reveals US Navy purchased Israeli-made pilotless planes. [Both US Navy and Air Force have own drone development programs and 10 US companies produce them.] US State Dep't. spokesman says Reagan admin. asked Congress to defer action on proposed 8,000-man Gulf strike force based in Jordan. US embassy in Colombo reports Sri Lanka [having severed relations with Israel in 1970] to allow limited Israeli presence there to train Sri Lankan counter-insurgency forces.

Military Action: Occupied Palestine/Israel:

Police raid several Ramallah shops, fining or closing them for lack of license.