Saturday, October 16, 1982

Military Action:

Syrians and IDF exchange fire near Kfar Kuk; cease-fire holds in Chouf.


Several thousand residents of shanty towns protest last night's killings (Army keeps tanks and troop carriers nearby but halts razings; Amal says Gemayel broke promise not to raze buildings until other housing found); 1 IDF wounded near Kfar Kuk.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Gush Emunim announces plans to double Jewish population of West Bank and Gaza this year.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Sartawi addresses World Jewish Congress memorial for Nahum Goldmann at personal invitation of Goldmann's widow (Israeli Embassy officials reportedly embarrassed).

Arab Governments: Egyptian Minister of State Ghali says Arabs should recognize Israel, calls for mutual PLO-Israeli recognition; Jordan, in talks with Arafat, urges PLO recognition of Israel; authoritative Syrian paper opposes PLO-Jordan link, denounces Arafat and Hussein for discussing it.

US and Other Countries: US Administration refuses to receive PLO member as part of Arab delegation; Shultz says US will pull out of UN and cut off financial aid if Israel expelled; US announces withholding $8.5 million in response to International Atomic Energy Agency expelling Israel last month.