Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed on perimeter of West Beirut; UN official charges Israel creating armed committees in 60 villages south of Litani, as part of plan to implement "Organization for a Unified South," with goal of 5,000 to 12,000 armed men; Amal forces and newly formed National Guard of Lebanon clash in coastal village of al-Ghaziyeh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir arrives in Bonn for talks with West German leaders; Finance Minister Aridor to visit South Africa this week seeking increased economic aid; Ibna al-Balad (Sons of the Village) distributes leaflet calling for rejection of West Bank and Gaza groups supporting Reagan plan, police arrest some members on suspicion of having painted the walls of their club in the colors of the PLO flag; Uri Avnery, Matti Peled and Ya'acov Arnon, who met with Arafat in Tunis, leave Sheli party; Peace Now demonstrates outside Begin's office to protest continued Israeli presence in Lebanon; Defense Ministry says Israel will take all steps necessary for security of Galilee, even if this means a de facto division of Lebanon into spheres of influence; Village League head Mustafa Dudeen leaves for visit to US.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Issam Sartawi says previous Palestine National Council resolutions amount to recognition of state of Israel and that Arafat has accepted formula of Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza; 800 residents of South Lebanon meet under Israeli guard in Klea, form Organization for a Unified South (OUS), call for peace treaty with Israel and support for Saad Haddad.
US and Other Countries: US evangelical groups such as Moral Majority, Religious Roundtable increasing support for Israel.