Friday, April 15, 1983

Military Action:

PLO orders maximum alert for 8,000 men in Lebanon in expectation of Israeli attack.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor Party leaders Rabin and Peres call on government to cancel Independence Day ceremony dedicating new civilian settlement of Upper Nablus, say it is historic mistake; Habib meets Begin, Arens and Shamir in Jerusalem, reportedly to discuss role of Haddad; Histadrut contracting company Solel Boneh abandons plans for joint construction company with Gush Emunim; Deputy Foreign Minister says Israeli delegation will boycott Warsaw ghetto commemoration if PLO attends.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Sofia for meetings with Bulgarian officials, says door is still open for talks between PLO and Jordan, efforts are underway to reduce obstacles between the two parties.