Thursday, August 12, 1999

In Ramallah, Jordanian PM `Abd al-Rauf al-Rawabida, Arafat consult on the peace process (al-Ra'i 8/14 in WNC 8/16)

As a gesture to Israeli PM Barak, Cyprus pardons 2 Israeli spies, sends them back to Israel. (Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation Radio 8/12 in WNC 8/13; Cyprus News Agency 8/12, I Simerini 8/13 in WNC 8/16; WT 8/13) (see 1/29)

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Comm. (ADC) sends a letter to Disney pres. Michael Eisner protesting Disney's plans to open an Israeli exhibit at Epcot Center in Florida with the theme "Jerusalem, Capital of Israel." (ADC press release 8/12)