Wednesday, August 6, 1997

U.S. Secy. of State Albright endorses PM Netanyahu's plan for accelerated final status talks with the PA, stresses that no progress can be made until Israel is certain that the PA is making 100% effort to fight "terrorism"; says that she will travel to the region at the end of the mo. (MM 8/6; ITV, QY 8/6 in WNC 8/7; NYT, WP, WT 8/7; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, MA, YA 8/7, Hatzofe 8/8 in WNC 8/8; MM, NYT 8/8; NYT 8/9; al-Thawra 8/9, IDF Radio 8/10 in WNC 8/12)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan, PM Majali meet with PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem. The crown prince terms the Israeli-Palestinian situation a "very dangerous crisis," recommends Israel adopt a softer line with the Palestinians, invites Netanyahu to visit Amman next wk. (MM, NYT 8/6; ITV, JTV, RJ, YA 8/6 in WNC 8/7; CSM 8/7; MA 8/7 in WNC 8/8; al-Ra'i 8/7 in WNC 8/11)

In Amman, King Hussein meets delegation fr. Israel's Histadrut Labor federation. (JTV 8/6 in WNC 8/8)

The U.S. group Builders for Peace, initiated by VP Al Gore to promote economic development in the territories, announces it is closing its doors, saying that "political conditions in the region . . . render the prospects of success for any given project remote." (Builders for Peace press release 8/6)

For the first day since the 7/30 bombings, Israel allows flour, vital goods, medical supplies to enter the West Bank, Gaza. (NYT 8/7; WT 8/8)

A delegation fr. the Syrian Chamber of Commerce travels to Iraq to discuss trade contracts under the UN oil-for-food agmt. (SA 8/7 in WNC 8/8; al-Quds al-Arabi 8/8 in WNC 8/11) (see 8/3)

IDF sends reinforcements to s. Lebanon. (RL 8/6 in WNC 8/7)

5 UNIFIL soldiers are killed when their helicopter crashes in s. Lebanon. UN suspects mechanical failure. (AFP, London Press Association 8/6, RL 8/7 in WNC 8/8; WP 8/7; JP 8/16)

In s. Lebanon, 1 SLA soldier is killed when Hizballah detonates a roadside bomb as his car passes. Hizballah also fires several katyushas toward n. Israel, but they land in s. Lebanon, causing no injuries. (MM 8/7; Voice of the South 8/7 in WNC 8/8; MM 8/8)

Lebanon files claim with ILMG regarding death of a civilian in s. Lebanon 8/5. (VOL 8/6 in WNC 8/7)