In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Syrian pres. Asad discuss possible Arab summit on the peace process. (ESC Television [Cairo], RMC 5/1 in WNC 5/2; MM 5/2)
Turkey, Israel end 3 days of military talks, agree to perform joint military maneuvers with the U.S. later this yr. (Anatolia [Ankara] 5/2 in WNC 5/2; MM, WT 5/2; Turkiye [Istanbul] 5/4 in WNC 5/7; VIRI 5/6 in WNC 5/8; JP 5/10)
PM Netanyahu forms a 10-mbr. Gesher, Likud, Tsomet ministers' forum that will meet once a wk., before cabinet sessions. The PM's goal is to have the ministers more involved in consultations to prevent incidents similar to the Bar-On affair. (IDF Radio 5/1 in WNC 5/2)
ILMG continues discussion of 4/29 complaints, determines that 1 mortar fired 4/25 by a Lebanese group accidentally landed inside Israel, but reaches no final decisions. (RL 5/1 in WNC 5/2)
U.S. takes over rotating chairmanship of ILMG fr. France today, but the U.S. official will assume his post 5/5. (al'Ahd 5/9 in WNC 5/15)