Tuesday, November 14, 1995

First joint IDF-PA patrols of Janin area begin. Israel gives PA control over the empty al-Fari`a prison nr. Nablus. (QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/13)

In continuing crackdown on right-wing extremists, Israeli police indict 29 more Jewish settlers, say 50 other indictments will be issued soon. (WP, WT 11/15) (see 11/13)

In Nablus, frmr. Fatah Hawks mbrs shoot, wound 4 Palestinians in 2 separate incidents. Frmr. Fatah Hawks have acted as self-styled custodians of moral standards in Nablus since May, killing 2, wounding at least 22 for such offenses as running lotteries. (AFP 11/14 in FBIS 11/15) (see 10/12)