In Montreux, Multilateral steering comm. mtgs close without progress. (QY 5/18 in FBIS 5/18; MBC 5/18 in FBIS 5/19)
Arab leaders condemn U.S. for veto of UN resolution on Israeli land confiscations; say veto is detrimental to peace process, voids U.S. claims of neutrality. Jordan permits previously banned antinormalization rally to be held 5/29. (CSM 5/18; QY, RJ, SARR 5/18 in FBIS 5/18; JTV, RJ, SARR 5/18, RMC 5/19 in FBIS 5/19; WP, WT 5/19)
Israeli Police M Moshe Shahal presents PA Planning M Nabil Shaath with list of 4 Palestinian organizations allegedly operating in East Jerusalem, asks PA to shut them. (QY 5/19 in FBIS 5/19)
Reacting to recently declassified CIA responses to Senate Intelligence Comm. 4/3, Morton Klein, pres. of Zionist Organization of America, says CIA, State Dept. are "whitewashing" PLO violations, calls for creation of bipartisan subcomm. to provide pres. with reports on PLO violations. (WJW 5/18) (see 5/3)