Israel announces it will turn over $8.3 m. of tax money to PA. (MM 11/23; PR 11/27; QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/29; NYT 11/24) (see 11/20)
Jordanian Council of Ms approves creation of 4 comms. to address implementation of Jordan-Israel treaty: a Jordanian Consultants Steering Comm., a Jordanian comm. to follow up on implementation decisions, the Jordanian delegation to the joint Jordanian-Israeli comm. on implementation, the Jordanian delegation to the joint comm. on Jordan Rift development. (RJ 11/23 in FBIS 11/25)
4 Fateh Central Comm. mbrs. (al-Qaddumi, Abu-Mahir Gunaym, Sakhr Habash, Muhammad Jihad) meet in Tunis; issue statement, objecting to Arafat's attempts to involve Fateh in PA's battles with Islamist opposition. (Al-Majd 11/28 in FBIS 12/2; CSM 12/7) (see 11/22)
Argentine Pres. Carlos Menem ends visit to Syria; announces he brought message fr. Israeli FM Peres to Pres. al-Asad, expressing Israel's willingness to withdraw fully fr. Golan. Peres denies Menem's remarks. (Telam 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM 11/24; QY, SATN 11/23 in FBIS 11/25; WT 11/24; JP 12/3) (see 9/27)
1st shipping agmt. btwn. Israel, Jordan reached; allows free passage of small vessels on both sides of Gulf of Elat, shipping licenses, radio communications. (QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; RJ 11/23 in FBIS 11/25)
3,000 rally in Jericho in support of Arafat, peace process. PA Preventative Security Forces (PSF) men, inc. Col. Jibril Rajub, get into fistfight with mbrs. of Arafat's presidential guard over which group is allowed to carry arms at rally. (MM, NYT, WP 11/24; CSM 11/28)
PA, Islamist opposition reach agmt. to avoid future clashes, pursue mediation, reconciliation in wake of 11/18 incident. Agmt. is signed by Arafat adviser, Ahmad al-Tibi, leader of Islamic Movement inside Green Line, Shaykh `Abdullah Nimr Darwish. (MM 11/24; AFP 11/23, VOP 11/24 in FBIS 11/29)