2d Palestinian accused of collaborating with Israel dies in Jericho during interrogation by PSF mbrs. fr. Col. Rajub's unit. Human rights groups vow to investigate. PA promises to discipline those responsible. 1st Palestinian killed in custody died 7/94; officers arrested after that death were soon released by PA. (WP 1/19; VOP 1/18, QY 1/19 in FBIS 1/19)
Official delegation fr. Israeli Energy Min. travels to Oman for mtgs. with Omani Petroleum M Sa'id Bin Ahmad al-Shanfari on natural gas issues. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19; JP 1/28)
Attempting to defuse settlement issue, PM Rabin promises all new housing starts in West Bank will have to get approval of the cabinet. (QY 1/18 in FBIS 1/19; WT 1/19)
Ma'ale Efrayim settlement council begins selling vacant housing units; expects 60 families to move to settlement by this summer. (QY 1/18 in FBIS 1/18)