Friday, June 10, 1994

Donors' mtg. in Paris awards $42 m. to Palestinian National Authority, fully funding Palestinian admin. through 8/94.  Amount is less than $70 m. sought by PLO.  Saudi Arabia grants $10 m., ending taboo on cooperation with PLO and opening way for donations fr. other Gulf Arab states.In compromise with Israel, PECDAR agrees to establish offices in Gaza and Jericho, not Jerusalem, and Israel agrees to grant 10,000 additional work permits to o.t. Palestinians for labor in Israel, increasing total to 45,000.  (NYT, WP, WT 6/11; MM, WP, WT 6/13)

Palestinian police refuse to accept more prisoners released by Israel for at least 2 days until sides can agree where to send those recently released.  150 Gaza residents among 287 prisoners released 6/9 allowed to stay in Jericho area for 48 hrs.  (MM 6/10; NYT 6/11)

Libyan leader Col. Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi, in interview with JANA, says Sabri al-Banna ("Abu Nidal") may be dead.  Al-Qadhafi bases assumption on failure of al-Banna to respond to appeal to come to Libya for conference.  (WT 6/15)