6 Fateh Hawks killed by 7 mbrs. of IDF undercover unit disguised as Palestinians while distributing leaflets after rally in Jabaliya r.c., Gaza Strip. At least 2 of the Hawks shot point-blank, according to witnesses. Jabaliya placed under curfew following incident. Fateh Gaza leadership calls for 3-day strike. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls emergency mtg. of leadership. (NYT, WP, WT 3/29)
Curfew imposed on Nablus and surrounding r.c.s. (MM 3/28)
Yediot Aharonot reports IMI, German companies Preusag, Kaiser, unnamed Jordanian company cooperating on 10-yr., $10 b. plan for digging "new" Jordan River to supply desalinated Mediterranean Sea water to Israel and Jordan. (WT 3/30)
King Hussein, speaking to ambassadors of permanent UNSC mbrs., conditions Jordanian return to Arab-Israeli peace talks on end to searches (part of international embargo on Iraq) of ships bound for Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba. (MM 3/28; NYT 3/29)