Suicide bomb explodes in bus in Hadera, Israel, killing 6, including bomber, and wounding 28, including 2 Israeli Arabs and 18 IDF soldiers. Hamas claims responsibility. PM Rabin redeploys IDF to protect Israeli cities, rejects opposition calls to end talks with PLO. PLO Chmn. Arafat, speaking to Council of Europe in Strasbourg, condemns violence, faults Israeli collective punishments against Palestinians acontributing to violent atmosphere. U.S. State Dept. receives Arafat letter in which he "regretted and strongly rejected" violence against Israel. (MM 4/13; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/14; WP 4/17)
Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran named officer in command of IDF Central Command, including West Bank. Biran to take office 4/17, replacing Acting OC Central Command Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom, appointed temporarily to replace Maj. Gen. Nehemia Tamari, killed in helicopter crash 1/94. (MM 4/13)