Tuesday, October 26, 1993

Tunisian police arrest 'Adnan Yasin, aide to PLO security chief and rep. in Tunisia Hakam Balawi, for spying for Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. Also arrested is his son Hani. Yasin had apparently been subomed by Mossad during 1991 visit to France. Arrest is not announced for 1 week. Israeli officials refuse comment. (NYT 11/3, 11/5)

4th round of multilateral talks on Middle East water resources convenes in Beijing, involving 43 nations and international organizations. 2-day session to focus on conservation, sharing of resources. (WT 10/27)

White. House announces intention to nominate Thomas A. Dine, former AIPAC executive director, assistant administrator of U.S. Agency for International Development for Europe and the Newly Independent States. Statement calls Dine "experienced in [his] field," citing his experience as a Peace Corps volunteer and Senate staffer as qualification for appointment to head AID's largest program. (White House release 10/26; WT 10/29)