At Islamic Conference Org. mini-summit in Dakar, Senegal, Chmn. Arafat states Palestinians will not participate in upcoming peace talks unless UNSCR 799 is implemented. At Arab FMs meeting in Cairo, PLO FM Faruq al-Qaddumi and Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh reaffirm this stand. (MENA 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; MM 1/12)
At Arab FMs meeting in Cairo, Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara' says the bilateral talks are in the Arabs' interest and should not be stopped, while "Israel wants many things" in the multilateral talks, so it is those that should be suspended. (Syria and Lebanon have boycotted the multilaterals from the outset). (Reuters in MM 1/12)
U.S. State Dept. announces "strong desire to avoid having the UNSC face the Chapter 7 sanctions issue" regarding the 12/17 Palestinian deportees. (MM 1/12)
Saudi press downplays diplomatic importance of PLO official Mahmud Abbas' visit, saying he has "no other objectives" than to attend a Fateh anniversary celebration in Riyadh (see 1/9). In evening speech, Abbas regrets Palestinian Gulf crisis stand, hopes that "this event . . . will not remain a barrier" between Palestinians and the Gulf states. Prince Salman bin 'Abd al-'Aziz says Saudi Arabia is committed "at all levels" to the Palestinian cause, a stand that has never changed. (SPA 1/11 in MM 1/11; RMC 1/12 in FBIS 1/13)
Arab League unanimously votes to boycott chemical weapons talks in Paris 1/13- 14 to protest Israel's continued refusal to sign the 1967 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. (MENA 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; NYT 1/14)