Israeli attomey gen. postpones hearings to discuss proposed building of 200 Jewish homes in Silwan, East Jerusalem, following appeal by Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek (MM 6/5)
Israeli Central Elections Comm. approves 25 party lists for the upcoming 13th Knesset elections. (Davar 6/4 in FBIS 6/5)
IDF lifts 5/27 curfew of Dayr al-Balah, Gaza. (Qol Yisra'el 6/4 in FBIS 6/4)
IDF helicopters attack PFLP-GC base in al-Rashidiyya refugee camp near Tyre, S. Lebanon. IDF-SLA shells Malita, Luwayza, Wadi al-Akhdar north of "security zone." (Radio Free Lebanon 6/4 in FBIS 6/4; MM 6/4)
Israeli Border Guard stabbed and wounded in Bethlehem; his Palestinian assailant is shot and killed. (MM 6/4)
Iranian FM 'Ali Akbar Velayati concludes visit to Syria. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 6/4 in FBIS 6/5)