9 / 15500 Results
  • December 31, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petition signed by 161 Israeli reserve soldiers and officers protests "brutal suppression" of Palestinian uprisings; signers say they...

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  • November 26, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern...

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  • October 10, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus...

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  • April 20, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inresponse to molotov cocktail attack, Israeli army patrol opens fire in Khan Yunis, wounding 4 Palestinians [FJ 4/26].


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  • March 2, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus schools, businesses, and city government close for day; 2 peaceful marches commemorate late mayor Zafir al-Masri [FJ 3/6].

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  • February 16, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice raid W. Jerusalem Alternative Information Center, confiscate material, arrest director, and order center closed for 6 months on...

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  • February 13, 1987


    Other Countries: U.S. federal agents in Los Angeles arrest Jordanian student on immigration violations, charge youth is affiliated with PFLP [LAT 2/14].


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  • February 10, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of W. Bank Jews and W. Bank Palestinians gather in Sur Bahir to protest Israeli government's plan to uproot Arab olive trees on...

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  • January 26, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muhammad Shakir Dahlan is expelled to Jordan, setting off protests throughout the Gaza Strip [FJ 1/30].

    Arab World: Fifth Islamic...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petition signed by 161 Israeli reserve soldiers and officers protests "brutal suppression" of Palestinian uprisings; signers say they will not serve in occupied territories [WP 1/1]. Closures of Gaza's Islamic U. and Palestine Religious Institute are extended until 1/10. Nablus' al-Rawda College is ordered closed for 1 week [FJ 1/3].

Other Countries: In U.S., Fu'ad Rafidi of Cleveland, OH, a naturalized American, is ordered deported because of alleged PFLP connections [FJ 1/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators clash with Israeli troops in Dhahriyyah and Am'ari refugee camp. Scattered minor demonstrations are reported throughout W. Bank. Army reports 1,200 Palestinians have been arrested in connection with the recent uprisings [WP, NYT 1/1]. Am'ari camp is placed under curfew [FBIS 12/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern Israel. P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir blames Syria for permitting attack to be launched from Biqa' Valley [WP 11/27]. Israeli military authorities place 6 W. Bank Palestinians under administrative dtention [FJ 11/29]. Israeli prosecutor in Gaza Strip drops case against 3 Jewish settlers charged with April 1987 kidnapping of Palestinian boy [FJ 11/29]. Israeli High Court orders that 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Awdah of Gaza not be deported until his case is reviewed [FJ 11/29].

Arab World: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command claims responsibility for hang glider attack on northern Israel 11/25 [NYT 11/27].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian hang glider pilot in S. Lebanon [NYT 11/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus Gate [WP 10/11; MET 10/24]. Caller allegedly from Force 17 later claims responsibility, charges Shahaf was Mossad agent [FJ 10/18]. Arab World: In speech to Jordanian Parliament, King Hussein blames Likud for dimmed prospects for peace conference, announces postponement of elections for lower house of Parliament for at least 2 years [WP 10/11]. PLO Executive Com. Chairman Yasir Arafat holds talks with Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi in Tunis [FBIS 10/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 3d consecutive day of violence in Gaza Strip, Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse stonethrowing demonstrators at Gaza's Islamic University, injuring at least 3 students. In separate Gaza City incident, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops firing live ammunition and tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators [WP 10/11; FBIS 10/13].

Arab World: Hospitals near Sidon report 7 are killed, 10 wounded in daylong battles between Amal and Palestinian forces around 'Ayn al-Hilwah [WP 10/12]. IDF fighter planes strike PFLP target in Biqa' Valley [NYT 10/11; FBIS 10/13]. Lebanese fighters claim to down IDF helicopter during Biqa' raid; IDF denies allegation [FBIS 10/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inresponse to molotov cocktail attack, Israeli army patrol opens fire in Khan Yunis, wounding 4 Palestinians [FJ 4/26].

Arab World: Palestine National Council (PNC) convenes in Algiers in effort to overcome factional differences. Abu Nidal's Revolutionary Council of Fateh leaves Algiers shortly before the parliament opens. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command and al-Sa'iqah also boycott the meetings. Abu al-'Abbas, wanted in Italy and the U.S. in connection with the Achille Lauro hijacking, attends. Fateh, PFLP, Palestinian Communist party, and DFLP representatives are among the 300 delegates [FT 4/21, LAT 4/22].

Other Countries: Unknown group, the Suicide Team of the Eagles to Liberate Palestine, issues statement threatening retaliation if Italy deports 'Colonel Ghandora," aide to PLO Chairman Arafat, to a hostile country [FJ 4/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus schools, businesses, and city government close for day; 2 peaceful marches commemorate late mayor Zafir al-Masri [FJ 3/6].

Arab World: The Times (London) cites reports of torture of Lebanese Shi'i prisoners held at SLA-controlled al-Khiyam prison inside Israel's security zone [LT 3/2].

Other Countries: Los Angeles Times reports evidence gathered by U.S. government in case against 7 Palestinians and 1 Kenyan includes photos of defendants picking up cartons of pro-PFLP magazines at L.A. airport [LAT 3/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot and kill Palestinian, wound another in Nablus [FJ 3/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice raid W. Jerusalem Alternative Information Center, confiscate material, arrest director, and order center closed for 6 months on charges center has been "rendering services" to PFLP [NYT 2/18; FJ 2/20]. Trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being Treblinka concentration camp prison guard known as "Ivan the Terrible," opens in Jerusalem [GU 2/17].

Arab World: Washington Post describes Saudi Arabian arms build-up asresponse to Israeli military threat [WP 2/16]. Syria asks Amal to ease its siege of Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut and Rashidiyyah camp near Tyre [OB 2/17]. Kuwait announces plan to contribute $5 million to joint PLO-Jordanian fund [NYT 2/18].

Other Countries: Reports confirm U.S. has upgraded Israel's status to non-NATO ally [PI 2/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot and wound 9 youths during 2 demonstrations in Gaza City. As punishment for campus demonstrations, military authorities order Islamic University of Gaza closed for 3 days. Demonstrations are also held in Khan Yunis and Rafah. Commercial strike closes most shops and students block roads in Jerusalem. Roger Heacock, American Birzeit University professor, isarrested on charges of incitement. Military attempto storm Ramallah's Teachers Training College and break up demonstration fails [FJ 2/20].

Arab World: At least 25 killed, 100 wounded in fierce street fighting between Amal, communist, Druze, Palestinian, and Murabitun forces in W. Beirut [BS 2/17].


Other Countries: U.S. federal agents in Los Angeles arrest Jordanian student on immigration violations, charge youth is affiliated with PFLP [LAT 2/14].

Military Action

Arab World: Amal leader Nabih Berri reaches agreement with UN whereby Beirut's Palestinians and Shi'a will receive equal amounts of food. Shooting around Burj al-Barajinah prevents Iranian ambulances, UN food trucks from entering camp, kills Iranian embassy bodyguard. Amal and Palestinian fighters blame each other for starting today's fighting. Syrian military observers arrive in S. Lebanon in attempto arrange a cease-fire, relieve crisis in camps [NYT 2/13; WP 2/14]. Unidentified gunmen capture advisor to Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil [LAT 2/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of W. Bank Jews and W. Bank Palestinians gather in Sur Bahir to protest Israeli government's plan to uproot Arab olive trees on government expropriated land [NYT 2/11; FJ 2/13]. Abba Eban, chair of Knesset panel investigating U.S.-Israel-Iran arms deals, acknowledges Israel first put U.S. in touch with Iranian radicals [WP 2/11]. Amal militia indicate negotiations with Israel are underway; P. M. Shamir says Israel would deal with terrorists in some cases if demands were made through official channels, not the media. Defense Minister Rabin indicates Israel may require the release of 6 Israeli servicemen missing in Lebanon [WP 2/11].

Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports W. Germany is likely to try Muhammad 'Ali Hamadi on explosives charges before formally deciding whether to extradite him to the U.S. [CSM 2/10]. Kenyan woman arrested in Los Angeles 15 days ago on charges of overstaying her visa is accused of subversive activities linked to PFLP [LAT 2/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah U. students defy closure order, hold small demonstration on campus. Balatta curfew is lifted; residents gather to demonstrate but disperse peacefully when confronted by Israeli troops armed with tear gas and machine guns. Ramallah secondary school students march through city in support of those injured during 1/9 al-Najah and Balatta protests. Pres. of Hebron University receives official warning following student march outside campus. Secondary school students in Gaza City boycott classes, stone Israeli troops. Estimated 100 youths are taken into detention after late night raid by Israeli troops; military spokesman says youths are suspected of inciting demonstrations and threatening army collaborators [FJ 2/13]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muhammad Shakir Dahlan is expelled to Jordan, setting off protests throughout the Gaza Strip [FJ 1/30].

Arab World: Fifth Islamic Summit opens in Kuwait. PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat meets with Jordan's King Hussein [LAT 1/27; FJ 1/30]. Kuwait officials say they would deny any request to release 17 convicted hostages in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon [LAT 1/27]. Anglican Church officials say Terry Waite's negotiations are continuing [WP 1/27].

Other Countries: U.S. FBI agents in Los Angeles arrest 8 Jordanians and one Kenyan, charging them with membership in PFLP [NYT 1/29; FJ 1/30]. U.S. Pres. Reagan testifies before Tower Commission that he has no memory of giving prior approval for Israeli sale of arms to Iran in 1985 [WP 1/27]. W. German officials in Frankfurt arrest 'Abbas 'Ali Hamadi, brother of Muhammad Hamadi who has been held since 1/13 [NYT 1/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army recruits, firing at Balatta refugee camp youths to "scare away" stone throwers, wound a Palestinian inside the camp [F 1/30].