6 / 15500 Results
  • December 4, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's...

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  • August 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21]....

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  • July 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon, minister of industry, states that Israel must "eliminate the heads of the terrorist organizations, first of all Arafat" [...

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  • May 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Shamir calls Baker's speech calling on Israel to forswear annexation of O.T. "useless" [NYT, WP 5/24]. General strike is...

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  • April 26, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 80 leading Palestinians from O.T. issue statement rejecting Shamir's call for elections in territories, calling on Israel to...

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  • March 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies issues report calling for Israeli-PLO talks, prolonged transitional period that could lead to...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's defense budget [NYT 12/5].

Arab World: Jordan's P.M. Zeid bin Shaker resigns and is replaced by Mudar Badran, who has held the office twice before. King Husayn asks Badran "to work with the PLO" and support the intifada [NYT, WP 12/5].

Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon concludes 2-day Riyadh meeting, issues communique calling on all parties involved to abide by Taif agreement [FBIS 12/5].

Other Countries: Arab nations at UN ask U.S. not to threaten UN with financial sanctions in future, and to allow PLO observer's seat to be placed near observer nations; in return Arabs will drop campaign to recognize Palestinian statehood [NYT, WP 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2 Israeli army reserve units made up of W. Bank settlers are deployed in Jericho and Ma'radah in W. Bank [FBIS 12/5].

General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 12/7].

Arab World: SLA and Amal forces exchange artillery fire in S. Lebanon [NYT 12/5].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21].

Arab World: Palestine National Fund (PNF) offices in Amman are reopened [FBIS 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians are killed, 6 wounded in clashes throughout O.T. General strike in W. Bank. IDF soldier in Tulkarm injured by a rock. Molotov cocktail hurled at a patrol in Jabaliyyah camp, no injuries. Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths in E. Jerusalem. Curfew imposed on al-Ram and Dahiyat al-Barid, north of Jerusalem, following clashes between youths and IDF [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: UNIFIL places forces on alert because of heavy Israeli and SLA military activity in S. Lebanon [FBIS 8/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon, minister of industry, states that Israel must "eliminate the heads of the terrorist organizations, first of all Arafat" [WP 7/18]. Palestinians observe general strike throughout O.T. [FJ 7/24]. F. M. Arens states that it is impossible to hold free elections in O.T., while U.S. is holding talks with PLO [WP 7/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers demolish 2 Palestinian homes in Gaza City. At least 35 Palestinians are reported injured in O.T. [FJ 7/24]. Al-Fajr cites army sources as saying it costs Israel $500,000 per day to fight intifadah [FJ 7/17].

Arab World: SLA shells Palestinian positions near Sidon [FJ 7/24]. Israeli tanks fire on Sunni villages near Tyre, killing 1, wounding 10 [MET 7/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Shamir calls Baker's speech calling on Israel to forswear annexation of O.T. "useless" [NYT, WP 5/24]. General strike is observed throughout O.T. Curfew in Anabta enters 20th day [FJ 5/29].

Arab World: Egyptian president Husni Mubarak gives keynote address opening Arab summit in Casablanca [WP 5/24]. Southern Lebanese town of Jezzin observes strike protesting tactics of Israeli, SLA troops [NYT 5/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah at least 10 Palestinians are shot, wounded during clash. At least 7 other Palestinians are shot, injured in Gaza [FJ 5/29]. Soldiers shoot, injure 2 Palestinians in Nablus [FBIS 5124].

Arab World: Joint IDF-SLA (South Lebanese Army) patrol enters 2 Druze villages north of "security zone" [FJ 5/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 80 leading Palestinians from O.T. issue statement rejecting Shamir's call for elections in territories, calling on Israel to negotiate with PLO, attend international peace conference [NYT, LAT 4/27]. General strike is observed throughout O.T. [FJ 5/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm camp troops shoot, kill 8-year-old Palestinian; 7 Palestinians are wounded at funeral. In Sabra troops open fire, kill 16-year-old Palestinian, wound 9 during demonstration. Troops shoot, kill 14-year-old Palestinian in Beach camp. In al-Shaja'iyah 14 Palestinians are wounded during protests [FBIS 4/27, FJ 5/1]. At Ansar 3 guards open fire with rubber bullets, tear gas and wound 5 during protest [FBIS 4/27].

Arab World: According to Beirut radio, IDF, SLA kill 8 Arabs in al-Qawzah [FBIS 4/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies issues report calling for Israeli-PLO talks, prolonged transitional period that could lead to Palestinian state [WP, NYT 3/9]. General strike is observed in O.T. [FJ 3/13]. Ministry of Tourism announces that in February tourism was down 15% from same period in 1988 [FBIS 3/16].

Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces it will grant visas to PLO officials Afif Safieh, Nabil Shaath, Noha Tadros to attend conference at Columbia Univ.; Israel protests move [WP 3/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In Gaza at least 5 Palestinians are wounded by IDF gunfire [FBIS 3/8]. In Rafah troops demolish 2 houses of Palestinians accused of participating in the Unified National Command of Uprising (UNCU) [FBIS 3/9]. At least 14 Palestinians are wounded throughout W. Bank. In 'Isawiyyah troops arrest 30 Palestinians [FJ 3/13]. Arab World: Ba'th party attacks SLA position in S. Lebanon. Amal attacks 2nd SLA position, kills 1 soldier. SLA responds by shelling Nabatiyyah [FBIS 3/9]