12 / 15493 Results
  • December 15, 1993

    197 Palestinian mbrs. of Hamas and Islamic Jihad return fr. Lebanon at end of 1-yr. exile. The Islamist activists will be processed through Israeli prisons before returning to homes in o.t. PM...

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  • December 1, 1993

    Israeli kindergarten teacher killed, 3 settlers wounded by Palestinian gunmen in al-Birah. Hamas, DFLP claim responsibility for attack; IDF imposes curfew on al-Birah, Ramallah. Settlers block...

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  • November 22, 1993

    PLO officers 'Abd al-Razzaq al-Majayda and 'Abd Allah Farah arrive in Gaza Strip fr. Egypt to plan deployment of Palestinian police. (MM 11/22)

    Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd al-Majid,...

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  • November 18, 1993

    Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the...

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  • November 4, 1993

    Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres meet in Tel Aviv with Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa to discuss Israeli negotiations with PLO, Syria. (NYT 11/5)

    Secy. of State Christopher, testifying to Senate Foreign...

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  • September 1, 1993

    Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)

    Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)...

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  • August 30, 1993

    Israeli cabinet votes to approve "Gaza-Jericho lst" agreement with PLO. Int. Min. Arye Deri, Econ. Min. Shimon Shitreet abstain. 4,000 right-wing protesters demonstrate against accord outside PM's...

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  • July 8, 1993

    U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9...

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  • March 29, 1993

    FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the PLO end 2-day meeting in Damascus, delay decision on resuming talks with Israel 4/20 in their final statement. (Radio Lebanon 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; NYT,...

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  • March 21, 1993

    Egypt, PLO request UNSC meeting to consider "the serious situation in the o.t." (Qol Yisra'el 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MM 3/23)

    Israel expands police force from 18,000 to over 20,000, tightens...

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  • March 8, 1993

    Rep. David Obey (R-WI), chmn. of House appropriations subcomm., suggests that Israel and Egypt may "one day" see their aid cut, as Pres. Clinton seeks to cut foreign aid by $2b over 5 years while...

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  • January 14, 1993

    Acting Secy. of State Eagleburger warns that there will be "more pressure in the Security Council for some kind of Chapter 7 enforcement" of UNSCR 799, which "puts the Israelis and us and a lot of...

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197 Palestinian mbrs. of Hamas and Islamic Jihad return fr. Lebanon at end of 1-yr. exile. The Islamist activists will be processed through Israeli prisons before returning to homes in o.t. PM Rabin, touring Gaza settlement, promises "tough measures" if "we have even the slightest suspicion that [the returnees] intend or are involved" in attacks on Israelis. (NYT, WP, WT 12/16)

Israel-PLO talks on civil issues related to Gaza-Jericho self-rule resume in al-Arish, Sinai. (MM 12/15)

Working group of Middle East Multilateral Talks Economic Development Comm. ends mtg. in Cairo, approves 4 agricultural projects, pollution control project for Gulf of Aqaba, and joint tourism project for Egypt, Israel, and o.t. (MENA 12/15 in FBIS 12/16)

Ashraf Muhammad Halil, 18, killed by IDF when he attacks soldiers with ax during search of his tool bag in Jabaliya camp, Gaza. (WT 12/16)

Israeli kindergarten teacher killed, 3 settlers wounded by Palestinian gunmen in al-Birah. Hamas, DFLP claim responsibility for attack; IDF imposes curfew on al-Birah, Ramallah. Settlers block roads, stone Palestinian cars in retaliation. (MM 12/1; NYT, WP, WT 12/2)

IDF declares Gaza Strip a "closed military area," barring journalists fr. reporting there. (MM 12/1)

Emergency PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. in Tunis called to discuss negotiations with Israel fails to reach quorum due to boycott by Mahmud 'Abbas, Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh, Sulaiman al-Najab. (MBC TV 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; WT 12/2)

Egyptian and Israeli sources say Egyptian Pres. Mubarak has lifted restrictions on Egyptians travelling to Israel, ending police reviews and questioning. (WP 12/2)

Jordan and Israel initial agreement allowing Jordanian banks in West Bank to reopen. (Qol Yisra'el 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; NYT 12/5)

PLO officers 'Abd al-Razzaq al-Majayda and 'Abd Allah Farah arrive in Gaza Strip fr. Egypt to plan deployment of Palestinian police. (MM 11/22)

Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd al-Majid, after council mtg. in Cairo, says boycott of Israel will continue, noting "the reasons that led to its imposition-the continuation of the occupation and the need for Palestinians to gain their rights-are still valid." (Egyptian Radio 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; WT 11/23)

Frmr. Israeli military intelligence chief Aharon Yariv publicly admits that Mossad assassinated 10 to 15 Palestinian guerrilla leaders in Europe and Lebanon in 1970s in retaliation for murder of 11 Israeli athletes at 1972 Olympics by "Black September" faction. Yariv says frmr. PM Golda Meir approved actions, admits Moroccan waiter killed in Norway in 1973 by mistake. Yariv interview with Israeli TV taped 1 yr. ago but only now cleared by censors. (NYT 11/23; CSM, WP, WT 11/24)

Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the attack. (MM, RMC 11/18)

PLO establishes Development and Construction Bank under World Bank supervision to receive international funds for Palestinian development. (Al-Dustur 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Israeli Energy M. Moshe Shahal signs agreement with Egyptian Oil M. Hamdi al-Banbi on preparations for Egypt-Israel natural gas pipeline. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19)

King Hussein names 23 mbrs. of 40-mbr. Jordanian senate, including frmr. PM Zaid Rifa'i and Senate spkr. Ahmad Lawzi. (MM 11/19)

French FM Alain Juppe holds talks with Syrian Pres. al-Asad at start of tour of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, proceeds to Amman for talks with Jordan's King Hussein. (MM 11/19; SARR, JNA 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Israeli archaeologists in "Operation Scroll" report finding 2d century A.D. manuscripts and artifacts in Wadi Qarantal, nr. Jericho. (NYT 11/19)

Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres meet in Tel Aviv with Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa to discuss Israeli negotiations with PLO, Syria. (NYT 11/5)

Secy. of State Christopher, testifying to Senate Foreign Relations Comm., lists comprehensive Middle East peace as 1 of Clinton administration's top 6 foreign policy priorities. (WP 11/5)

U.S. State Dept Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross, NSC Middle East official Martin Indyk meet in Paris with Israeli FM official Uri Savir on West Bank and Gaza economic plans, peace process tracks. Jordanian delegation, PLO official Ahmad Qurai' also meet U.S. and Israeli teams to discuss economic cooperation. (WP 11/5, 11/6; Qol Yisra'el 11/5 in FBIS 11/5

Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)

Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa holds talks with Israeli officials in Jerusalem on text of Israel-PLO mutual recognition, forwards draft to PLO in Tunis. (MM 9/2)

PLO Chmn. Arafat flies to Rabat for consultations with Moroccan King Hassan on follow-up to Israel-PLO agreement. (MM 9/2; NYT 9/3)

PFLP head Habash tells French TV Arafat no longer represents Palestinians, vows PFLP will fight DoP "with all its might" because it ignores rights of diaspora Palestinians. DFLP chief Hawatmah, on RMC, calls DoP "sad, tragic," says it will allow Israel to "liquidate the intifada." (MM 9/2)

Pro-DoP rally at al-Najah University attended by 4,000, addressed by Arafat by telephone. Faisal Husseini meets in Jerusalem with opposition figures, who maintain anti-DoP position, while 15 injured in Gaza Strip when Hamas mbrs. stone pro-DoP rally. (MM 9/2)

Palestinian o.t. figures issue statement denouncing DoP, Arafat's leadership. (al-Ra'y 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)

King Hussein tells Ghassan Tueni of al-Nahar that "We in Jordan do not accept the imposition on us of any agreement to which we are not a party" in remarks excerpted on JTV. Hussein demands Arab summit to discuss consequences of PLO-Israel accord. (MM 9/2; NYT, WP 9/3)

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal says Palestinian police to be set up under Oslo agreement "will not have authority to halt Israelis." (MM 9/2)

Israeli cabinet votes to approve "Gaza-Jericho lst" agreement with PLO. Int. Min. Arye Deri, Econ. Min. Shimon Shitreet abstain. 4,000 right-wing protesters demonstrate against accord outside PM's office. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/31; Qol Yisra'el 8/30 in FBIS 8/31)

Dahaf poll shows 53% of Israeli Jews support accord with PLO. (Yediot Aharanot 8/30 in FBIS 8/31)

Norwegian FM Johan Jorgen Holst says Norway hosted 14 rounds of talks btwn. Israel and PLO leading to agreement. (MM 8/31; NYT 9/1)

MK Hanan Porat of National Religious Party, supported by Likud MKs, occupies synagogue in Jericho, declares he is opening settlement. (MM 8/31)

PLO Chmn. Arafat denies Jordan and Syria displeased with PLO-Israel accord; flies to Yemen, then Egypt to rally Arab support for PLO-Israel agreement. (Yemeni Republic Radio, MENA 8/30 in FBIS 8/31; MM, WP 8/31)

PFLP-GC chief Ahmad Jibril threatens in statemento kill Arafat, says Arafat will "pay the price" for Gaza-Jericho accord, warns agreement would "trigger a civil war in Palestine" and "liquidate the intifada." Spokesman for Jibril later argues statement not a threat but a prediction. (AFP 8/30 in FBIS 8/30, 8/31; MM, NYT 8/31)

PFLP-GC, PNSF issue statements denouncing Gaza-Jericho plan, PLO leadership. (QPAR 8/30 in FBIS 8/31)

U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9)

Arafat and King Hussein at meeting in Amman establish Palestinian-Jordanian joint committee made up of Jordanian ministers, PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs., peace delegates. (al-Dustur 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)

Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Khalid al-Hasan proposes Swiss-style cantonal solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (AFP 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)

IDF kills wanted Palestinian in Rafah, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 7/8 in FBIS 7/8; NYT 7/9)

PFLP-GC fighters ambush IDF patrol in southern Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 3. (WP 7/12)

7 Islamic fundamentalists, followers of Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman, hanged in Cairo. (NYT 7/9)

FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the PLO end 2-day meeting in Damascus, delay decision on resuming talks with Israel 4/20 in their final statement. (Radio Lebanon 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; NYT, WP 3/30)

Hanan Ashrawi says Palestinians rejected 3/26 U.S. offers, adds that such assurances are basic rights, "not issues for blackmail, negotiations, or pressure." (MM 3/30)

PLO amb. in Cairo Said Kamal says Pres. Asad and Chmn. Arafat have entrusted Pres. Mubarak to negotiate a solution to the deportees and raise new peace talks ideas during his 4/6 talks with Pres. Clinton in Washington. (MM 3/29)

Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir tells MPs that his govt. does not accept Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda negotiated by the respective delegations and publicized 10/27/92. It is missing some key points, particularly on Jerusalem. (MM 3/30)

IDF shoots 1 Palestinian dead in Jalazun camp, West Bank. Palestinian worker kills settler near Khan Yunis. Settlers burn down mosque in Gaza Strip. (IDF Radio 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; Qol Yisra'el 3/30 in FBIS 3/31; WP 3/30)

Egypt, PLO request UNSC meeting to consider "the serious situation in the o.t." (Qol Yisra'el 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MM 3/23)

Israel expands police force from 18,000 to over 20,000, tightens security at o.t. checkpoints. (NYT 3/22; MM 3/23)

Pres. Mubarak concludes 2-day visit to Saudi Arabia. (SPA 3/21 in FB1S 3/22)

Fateh Hawks fire on IDF in Khan Yunis. IDF shoots 2 dead, wound 15 Palestinians in Gaza Strip. (MM. WT 3/22)

Rep. David Obey (R-WI), chmn. of House appropriations subcomm., suggests that Israel and Egypt may "one day" see their aid cut, as Pres. Clinton seeks to cut foreign aid by $2b over 5 years while increasing aid to Russia next year by $300m. Clinton has pledged to maintain current levels. (WT 3/9)

Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin protests to British amb. in Israel over UK decision to upgrade PLO contacts. (IDF Radio 3/8 in FBIS 3/8)

Haydar'Abd al-Shafi calls on Hamas and Islamic Jihad to behave "in a responsible way" after 3/7 clash inside Gaza mosque. (al-Fajr 3/9 in FBIS 3/9)

Jerusalem Post reports on quota for Arab pop. of Jerusalem set by govt. in 1973, consistently enforced through housing plans-in 1967, Arab pop. was 26% of total, today is 27%. City council may appeal the legality of the discriminatory quota to the High Court. (MM 3/8)

Elections at Hebron U. are postponed because of Ramadan and IDF's impeding access to campus (acc. to PLO supporters), or because PLO was afraid of defeat and wants more of its supporters inthe admin. (acc. to Islamists). PLO-Islamist fights ensue. Islamists have consistently won past elections. (MM 3/9)

Israel reopens Gaza checkpoints to Palestinian workers; 30,000 travel to jobs (see 3/2). Two Palestinians kill settler as he was driving them to work; Fateh Eagles claim responsibility. Settlers angrily protest, killing 1 Palestinian. (Qol Yisra'el 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; MM 3/8; WP 3/9)

IDF shoots Palestinian youth dead near Tulkarm. (ITV 3/8 in FBIS 3/9)

PLO official Khalid Muhammad al-Jassem is convicted of attempting to bomb three Israeli targets in New York City in 1973. (NYT 3/9)

Acting Secy. of State Eagleburger warns that there will be "more pressure in the Security Council for some kind of Chapter 7 enforcement" of UNSCR 799, which "puts the Israelis and us and a lot of other people in an awkward spot," and that Israel is "going to have to find some solution to the problem, whether it's to take them back and put them in jail or whatever itis." (MM 1/15)

Palestinian, Jordanian, and Lebanese presses level harsh criticism on the U.S. and the West for their 1/13 attack on Iraq, Gulf states are notably cool or silent, Syria and Egypt try to strike medium in their criticisms of both Iraq and the West. Fateh issues statement condemning the attack on Iraq, as well as a 28th anniversary statement. (MM 1/14; Algiers, Sanaa VOP 1/14 in FBIS 1/15)

IDF kills 2 Palestinians, wounds 45 in clashes in Gaza Strip. Border Police surround, fire anti-tank missiles at house near Jenin, kill 1 suspected Black Panther activist as he tries to escape. (MM, WT 1/15; Qol Yisra'el 1/14 in FBIS 1/15)

Chemical weapons agreement signed in Paris. Russia, the U.S., Israel, and Iran are among the 120 signatories; despite Arab League's 1/11 unanimous boycott, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Libya, Kuwait, Yemen, and Oman also sign. Negotiated since 1968, the treaty banning production, stockpiling, and use of such weapons, as well as mandating their destruction with a complex verification regime, will go into effect after a minimum ratification period of 2 years. (NYT, WP 1/14)