Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres and Shamir reach compromise on new government, ending three-day deadlock (WP, NYT 10/17). Israeli Foreign Ministry delivers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres and Shamir reach compromise on new government, ending three-day deadlock (WP, NYT 10/17). Israeli Foreign Ministry delivers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Justice Ministry lawyers have been refusing to cooperate with Shin Bet's legal department to protest fact that two top Shin Bet...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations are held throughout West Bank to commemorate anniversary of massacres at Sabra and Shatila (FJ 9/19). Strikes and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities issue 6-month town arrest orders against 2 unionists: Amal Wahdan, from al-Birah, of the Women's Work Committee; and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At official dinner at Knesset, P.M. Thatcher asks Israel to give Palestinians living under occupation "a greater role in managing their...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th deficit in the balance of goods and services between the occupied territories and Israel increased by 49% in 1985 to total $219...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells 21-member Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, that Israel is willing for Gaza Strip residentso be given Jordanian...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A Jerusalem court convicts Israeli army Capt. Shlomo Leviatan and Maj. Ronnie Gila of complicity in bombings carried out by anti-Arab...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police announce they have arrested 6 members of a West Bank Palestinian family in connection with kidnap-slaying of Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres and Shamir reach compromise on new government, ending three-day deadlock (WP, NYT 10/17). Israeli Foreign Ministry delivers protest to Egyptian ambassador on PLO statement of involvement in 10/15 bombing in Jerusalem announced from Cairo (NYT 10/17). Israeli police arrest two Palestinians in connection with 10/15 bombing (JP 10/20). Israel bans suspects (residents of West Bank) from crossing Jordan River into Jordan (NYT 10/17).
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli Phantom jet shot down over Lebanon, while IDF warplanes launch large-scale attack on Palestinian camp of Mieh Mieh, 13th and reportedly largest raid this year (4 are killed, 12 wounded). Warships bombard camp from Sidon coast. Israeli helicopters rescue one of the crewmen 90 minutes after plane was shot down; other crewmen are reportedly held by Shi'i militiamen (WP, NYT 10/17; WP 10/18).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Justice Ministry lawyers have been refusing to cooperate with Shin Bet's legal department to protest fact that two top Shin Bet lawyers, pardoned for role in Shin Bet cover-up, were allowed to keep jobs (NYT 9/30). Jordan says it will resume payment of salaries of 280 lawyers and judges in West Bank who boycott Israeli legal system in show of solidarity with Palestinians (JP 10/1).
Other Countries: Mordechai Vanunu, former Israeli nuclear reactor employee, disappears in London after giving story to Sunday Times about Israeli nuclear weapon factory (5 October) (WP 11/10). French Minister of Cooperation cites evidence linking Syria with terrorist bombing groups but stops short of accusing Syria of backing terrorists (NYT 10/1).
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, IDF kill two Arabs (FBIS 10/1).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations are held throughout West Bank to commemorate anniversary of massacres at Sabra and Shatila (FJ 9/19). Strikes and demonstrations continue through 9/20; shops and businesses stay closed, students and workers remain at home (Fl 9/26). Israel announces it has licensed first Arab bank in West Bank since 1967. Bank, with headquarters in Amman and first branch in Nablus, will be allowed to deal in Israeli, Jordanian, and foreign currencies (FJ 9/19).
Arab World: Thousands of Lebanese in Tyre, Lebanon, led by Amal officials march in support of UNIFIL after 9/16 attack on French UNIFIL forces (for which Hizballah is held responsible). In south Lebanon general strike is held to show resident' support for continued UNIFIL presence. (Speaker of Lebanese Chamber of Deputies Husayn al-Husayni recently returned from Paris where he asked Pres. Mitterand not to recall French contingent) (NYT 9/18).
Other Countries: In Paris, five killed, 60 injured in bomb explosion, bringing to ten number killed in five bombings in last two weeks (WP, NYT 9/18). Peru grants PLO embassy status in Lima (Fl 9/26).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots and kills 30-year-old mother, Muyassar Jamil al-Hih, at Hebron Mosque (Fl 9/15).
Arab World: In Beirut, group called "Arab Revolutionary Cells-'Umar al-Mukhtar Forces" claims responsibility for Beirut kidnapping of Frank Reed and Joseph Ciccippio (NYT 9/16).
Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli P.M. Peres meets President Reagan at White House, de-emphasizes endorsement of international conference, stresses need for direct negotiations at bilateral level with each of parties concerned in peace process (NYT 9/16). Amnesty International of London announces ithas compiled allegations of torture at Khiyam detention center in S. Lebanon (run by SLA with Israeli supervision), including detailed account of torture of West Bank resident; group says it is publicizing charges because Israel has failed to respond to its appeals for an independent probe (WP 9/17). In Paris, bomb explodes in police station, killing one and wounding 51 (NYT 9/16).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities issue 6-month town arrest orders against 2 unionists: Amal Wahdan, from al-Birah, of the Women's Work Committee; and 'Adnan Kilani, head of the Construction Workers Union in Ya'bad; arrests bring total number of known town arrestees in West Bank alone to 33 [FJ 8/14].
Arab World: President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia announces he has divorced his second wife, Wassila, who had been an influential member of Mr. Bourguiba's governing circle and a strong advocate of the Palestinian cause [WP 8/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli jets bomb suspected PLO and Abu Musa faction bases near Ba'albek in Biqa' Valley in Lebanon, killing 3 [LT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and demarcation of boundaries of 700-meter beach [NYT, WP 8/11].
Arab World: In Baghdad, PLO Executive Committeends 2-day meeting with statement condemning U.S., Israeli, and jordanian plans to improve conditions in West Bank and Gaza as attempts to perpetuate Israeli occupation, calls for unity among all Palestinian factions [NYT 8/11; FJ 8/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF conducts military exercises on Golan Heights [JTA 8/11].
Arab World: IDF helicopter gunships attack Fateh and Abu Musa faction positions at 'Ain al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh refugee camps in S. Lebanon following rocket attacks from S. Lebanon into Galilee [NYT, WP 8/111. Rivals for control of the Christian militias in Lebanon strike each other: Lebanese Forces rebel against leader Samir Ja'ja' and seize control of East Beirut [PI 8/11], hold it for 24 hours [LT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously involved in peace process, to discuss plans to appoint Arabs from the occupied territories to head various departments of the Israeli military govemorates in the occupied territories and to give these officials powers to run daily affairs; Peres also suggests Arabs may be appointed mayors to West Bank cities which are currently run by Israeli officers [BG, JTA 8/4; FJ 8/8]. Chicago Tribune reports that P.M. Peres and Defense Minister Rabin approved plan to send $2 billion worth of weapons to Iran, in violation of U.S. policy [CT 8/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At official dinner at Knesset, P.M. Thatcher asks Israel to give Palestinians living under occupation "a greater role in managing their own affairs" including right to free elections [LT, LAT 5/26] and a better standard of living, calls occupation of West Bank and Gaza "temporary" [CT 5/26]. Meanwhile, P.M. Peres and Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir reportedly dispute over whether to prosecute Shin Bet Chief Avraham Shalom over his role in alleged suppressionf evidence and obstruction of justice in April 1984 beating deaths, while in Israeli custody, of 2 of 4 Palestinians arrested in bus hijack. Peres doesn't want to prosecute [NYT 5/26]. Israeli cabinet is split over issue [WP 5/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli army bombards the village of Yatir (Bint Jubayl) in south Lebanon, killing 1, wounding 4 [OJ 5/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th deficit in the balance of goods and services between the occupied territories and Israel increased by 49% in 1985 to total $219 million; the West Bank's trade deficit declined to $425 million in 1985, compared to $428 million the previous year, while the West Bank's surplus in services fell to $206 million in 1985, compared to $281 million in 1984, due to the erosion of Israeli salaries and the cutback in construction work [JP 4/29]. Israeli police announce arrest of members of a "terrorist ring" suspected of 2 killings and 2 attempted killings in Jerusalem in last 6 weeks; Jerusalem court declares news blackout on the case [NYT, PI, MG 4/30]. Later reports indicate 20 Palestinians are arrested [JP 5/6]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin has instructed the security authorities to bring to trial the West Bank settlers who blocked a road north of Halhul a fortnight ago to prevent people from reaching a Peace Now symposium in nearby Hebron [JP 4/29].
Arab World: The Jordanian minister for the occupied territories, Tahir Kan'an, was dismissed over the weekend [LT 4/29]. New departments are dedicated for hospital in S. Lebanese Christian town of Marja'uyun; SLA commander Gen. Antoine Lahd thanks Israel for its help in training workers and doctors for the hospital; some $2 million was donated for the hospital, coming from Israel, Middle East Television, and the SLA command [JP 4/29].
Military Action
Arab World: Guerrillas clash on slopes of Mt. Hermon with Israeli army troops; 2 guerrillas are killed, 3 Israeli soldiers wounded [JP, JTA 5/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells 21-member Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, that Israel is willing for Gaza Strip residentso be given Jordanian passports, states that the "only framework" that holds promise for peace between Israel and its neighbors and for solving the Palestinian problem is "direct negotiations between a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and an Israeli delegation" [JP 4/23]. Israeli army sources state there have been 67 incidents of shooting, planting explosive devices, and throwing hand grenades and gasoline bombsince January of this year, compared with 104 during the period between August to December of 1985 [JP 4/23].
Arab World: PLO officials inAmman state Jordan has deported 7 Fateh officers from the Karameh force who sided with Yasir Arafat in conflict with 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im) [BG 4/23; JP 4/24]. Reports from Amman indicate that 40 to 100 more Palestinians may be facing deportation as well [FJ 4/25]. Jordan has increased its restrictions on the entry of prominent pro-Fateh Palestinians from the West Bank and is turning them back at the bridges; Jordanian authorities have begun bureaucratic harassment, confiscation of passports at the border, and lengthy questioning of Fateh supporters [JP 4/23].
Other Countries: Seventeen people, including a retired Israeli general, are indicted in New York on federal charges of conspiring to sell Iran more than $2 billion worth of American weapons, in violation of U.S. arms embargo; Israeli embassy denies Israeli govt. involvement in the matter [WP, WSJ 4/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bus driver Shlomo Hatuka, injured in 4/12 attack on his bus near Ramallah, dies of gunshot wounds suffered in the incident [WP, JP 4/23].
Arab World: Two members of PLO are wounded during shoot-out at PLO office in Amman; reports say 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im) tried to shoot his way into his office after finding it locked [WP, MG 4/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A Jerusalem court convicts Israeli army Capt. Shlomo Leviatan and Maj. Ronnie Gila of complicity in bombings carried out by anti-Arab Jewish underground group [JP, WP 4/15]. U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Murphy meets with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj at reception at American consulate in East Jerusalem; reports circulate that they discussed the "Gaza first" proposals being floated by some circles in Jerusalem; Murphy confirms he attempted to ease tensions between Israel and Syria during recent meetings with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad [JP 4/15]. Students at Hebron Polytechnic demonstrate in protest of Tehiya convention; 70 students are arrested [JP 4/15; FJ 4/18].
Arab World: West Bank Palestinians travelling to Jordan are experiencing increased bureaucratic harassment, including passport confiscation and interrogation by Jordanian authorities; moves seem to be targetting Fateh supporters [JP 4/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police announce they have arrested 6 members of a West Bank Palestinian family in connection with kidnap-slaying of Israeli soldier David Manos, whose remains were found in a West Bank cave 2 weeks ago [JTA 3/28].
Arab World: Shi'ite Amal militia announces it holds 3 Palestinian guerrillas who the PLO claimed were killed in cross-border raid into Israel in which 4 Israeli soldiers were also claimed to have been killed [JP 3/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate mayors in 3 major West Bank towns, would consider easing restrictions on travel to Jordan [NYT 2/27]. Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Levy states 170 people were arrested during 6-day sweep in S. Lebanon, some have been transferred toprisons in Israel [NYT, TS 2/27].
Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo broadcasts statements by Nayif Hawatmah, general secretary of the DFLP, and a representative of the Palestine Communist party outlining conditions for rapprochement with Yasir Arafat's Fateh faction: (1) cancellation of the 11 February Amman agreement; (2) convening of the PNC; (3) creation of a collective leadership in the PLO [FJ 2/28].
Military Action
Arab World: Car bomb explodes outside entrance to 'Ain al-Hilwah refugee camp, near Sidon, killing driver and wounding 10; explosion occurred a half-hour before Palestinian students were to join a march to commemorate a slain Sidon leader [NYT, WP, CT 2/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would like to compare Israeli prison life to Soviet prison life, learn Arabic, visit West Bank [WP 2/19].
Other Countries: European Court of justice upholds Britain's right to ban North Sea oil exports to Israel [WSJ, JC 2/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli foot patrol in Gaza City, wounding 5 soldiers [JP 2/19].
Arab World: Israeli army moves large numbers of reinforcements into S. Lebanon, well beyond the "security zone," in search for 2 soldiers captured 2/17; tanks and helicopter gunships are employed [WP, LAT 2/19]. Iranian-linked Muslim faction warns it will kill 2 captured Israelis if army does not withdraw from S. Lebanon within 24 hours [NYT 2/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad initial grant of $50,000 [JTA 2/19]. P.M. Peres announces Israel's willingness to allow residents ofoccupied territories greater authority in running municipal affairs and to appoint mayors for al-Birah, Ramallah, and Hebron [JP 2/17]. List of 7 willing to run al-Birah was submitted to civil administration; Ibrahim al-Far, head of Ramallah Chamber of Commerce, also submitted his candidacy. In al-Birah, opponents of the plan held a meeting on 2/12, led by former Mayor Ibrahim al-Tawil [JP 2/17]. Tel Aviv contractor Avraham Gindi pleads not guilty to charges of fraudulent West Bank land sales, breach of trust, tampering with evidence, attempts to suborn witnesses [JP 2/18]. Central Bureau of Statistics announces inflation rate for January was negative (-1.3%) for first time in 14 years [JC 2/18; DT 2/19].
Arab World: King Hussein holds talks with top Egyptian official Usama al-Baz on yesterday's Arafat-Mubarak talks [JP 2/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six people were injured when bomb exploded on Petah Tikva-Tel Aviv bus on 2/14 [JTA 2/18].
Arab World: Lebanese guerrillasmbush Israeli army patrol in S. Lebanon "security zone," capturing 2 soldiers; Islamic Resistance Front claims responsibility. Israeli army immediately sweeps through more than 10 Shi'ite Muslim villages in S. Lebanon, looking for the missing [NYT, LAT 2/18; GU 3/5]. Two SLA militiamen are killed during the ambush [WP 2/18].