4 / 15500 Results
  • April 20, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High...

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  • February 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Chaim Herzog pardoned 2 more members of Jewish settler underground last week, Boaz and Ya'acov Heinemann UP 2/16]. Israel was...

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  • February 5, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 3 more Palestinians to Jordan: Mahmud Fa'anun, from the West Bank; and Hasan Muhammad Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz...

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  • January 22, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A senior Israeli official states P.M. Peres has proposed negotiating a settlement with Palestinian mayors in the occupied territories [...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High Court judge, issues recommendations that call for resignation of governor of Israel's state bank and the top executives of the country's 4 leading commercial banking chains within 30 days [FT, NYT, WSJ 4/21]. P.M. Peres states Jordan is determined not to lose its stake in the Gaza Strip and that an autonomy plan for Gaza could be combined with plans for autonomy on the West Bank; Perestates Egypt has a "lack of political interest" in establishing an interim Israeli-Egyptian "condominium" in Gaza [JP 4/21].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat reportedly met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in East Berlin on 4/18; sources also say Arafat met secretly with Gorbachev in Moscow last February [JP 4/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Chaim Herzog pardoned 2 more members of Jewish settler underground last week, Boaz and Ya'acov Heinemann UP 2/16]. Israel was third world's largest arms producer, producing $1.342 billion worth, between 1980-84, according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute [JP 2/16].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat begins talks with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak on stalled M.E. peace efforts [JP 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shot and killed Gaza resident yesterday when he fled after being detained for questioning; a second man escaped [NYT, WP 2/16]. West Bank shepherd Ziyad Muhammad Yunis was wounded on 2/13 while resisting arrest near Hebron [JP 2/17]. Israeli soldiers arrested several other Palestinians, confiscated a herd of sheep in the incident [FJ 2/21]. Bombs go off in Haifa, Afula, Beit She'an, causing no injuries or damage [JP 2/17].

Arab World: Lebanese police find severely beaten body of Lebanese Jewish hostage Ibrahim Benesti; Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth issues statement saying he was executed for spying for Israel [BG 2/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 3 more Palestinians to Jordan: Mahmud Fa'anun, from the West Bank; and Hasan Muhammad Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz Hashim 'Azizi, both from the Gaza Strip. Military sources state they were affiliated to the PFLP [JP 2/6; FJ 2/7]. The 3 refused to appeal to the High Court, believing they would not get a fair trial [FJ 2/7]. Deputy head of the Red Cross delegation in Israel, jean Jacques Fresard, sharply criticizes Israeli govt. for deporting Palestinians from the occupied territories to Jordan, termsuch actions "completely illegal" [JP 2/6].

Arab World: King Hussein and Yasir Arafat begin new round of talks in Amman [BG 2/6]. Arafat reportedly gives Hussein 3- point plan whereby PLO would accept UN resolution 242 in return for firm measures calling for Palestinian state; PLO was in return given countersuggestion that originated with U.S. officials [JP 2/11]. Egypt, Israel begin 2 days of talks on Taba border dispute [BG 2/6]. Ahmad Jibril, head of PFLP-GC, states passengers on U.S., Israeli commercial airliners may become targets for reprisals for Israel's interception of Libyan jet [TS 2/6].

Military Action

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Paris sporting goods store, wounding 9 [WP, LAT 2/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A senior Israeli official states P.M. Peres has proposed negotiating a settlement with Palestinian mayors in the occupied territories [CT 1/24]. Minister of Trade and Commerce Ariel Sharon and Time magazine reach out-of-court settlement in libel suit Sharon filed under Israeli law; Time apologizes, pays undisclosed amount of money [NYT, WP 1/23]. Israeli govt. agrees in principle to return $51 million to help U.S. meet budget cuts [JP 1/23].

Arab World: Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee set up by the 46-member Islamic Conference Organization meets in Morocco at request of Yasir Arafat, appeals for support in preventing further Israeli disruptions at Islamic shrines in East Jerusalem [JP 1/22; LT 1/23].

Other Countries: Security Council debates Moroccan, UAE resolution on "The Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories" in wake of confrontations at Haram al-Sharif; Egypt states Israel "must" withdraw from East Jerusalem, Palestinians in West Bank must have right to self-determination, Saudi Arabia warns of "wrath of hundreds of millions of Muslims" if "aggressions" continue [JP 1/22; JTA 1/23].