7 / 15500 Results
  • December 21, 1984


    Arab World: Head of IDF team negotiating with Lebanese on Israeli withdrawal predicts chaos if talks fail and IDF unilaterally pulls out [JTA 12/24].


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  • December 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank lawyers group announces intention to challenge extensive Israeli "Road Plan 50" before World Court; plan would expropriate 46,...

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  • December 18, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset votes to deny MK Kahane parliamentary immunity and freedom of movement [LAT 12/26]. Kahane later stopped by police from entering...

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  • December 10, 1984


    Other Countries: Zionist organizations host seminar at US State Dept., condemn 1975 UN Zionism-racism resolution [JTA 12/12].

    Military Action


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  • December 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy arrives to discuss Lebanon, other issues [JP 12/9].

    Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with Italian...

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  • December 4, 1984


    Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].


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  • September 12, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gush Emunim squatters establish settlements Nachliel and Givat Helevona (a.k.a. Eli) north of Ramallah. Jewish squatters add 4 caravans...

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Arab World: Head of IDF team negotiating with Lebanese on Israeli withdrawal predicts chaos if talks fail and IDF unilaterally pulls out [JTA 12/24].

Other Countries: US State Dept. asserts US will not grant Israel $800 million in emergency aid until Israel adopts tougher economic austerity program [NYT 12/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Katyusha fired at IDF position near Zahrani River, S. Lebanon; no injuries. SLA patrol attacked near Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries reported [JP 12/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank lawyers group announces intention to challenge extensive Israeli "Road Plan 50" before World Court; plan would expropriate 46,000 dunums, freeze development of further 78,000 [JP 12/20].

Other Countries: Israeli delegation in Washington seeks record $4.85 billion in US aid [PI 12/20]; US indicates Irael will not receive full amount [JTA 12/20]. US Defense Sec. Weinberger, State Dept. official Dam defend Reagan Plan as basis for future initiatives [JP 12/20]. US Commerce Dept. states 59 US firms fined $1.6 million for complying with Arab boycott of Israel [JP 12/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Press reports indicate Israeli security forces seize 6 Gaza residents with grenade, target list including US embassy [LAT 12/19].

Arab World: Toura, S. Lebanon villagers claim IDF killed woman, girl in raid previous week [MG 12/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset votes to deny MK Kahane parliamentary immunity and freedom of movement [LAT 12/26]. Kahane later stopped by police from entering Arab town of Taibe [LAT 12/27]. After Police Min. Bar Lev refuses to ban march, several dozen Herut "Young Guards" converge on Iskal, village of MK Abd al-Wahab Darousha, to demand punishment for his attempt to attend PNC; villagers, Israeli activists form counter demonstration [JP 12/19]. WZO official says no new settlements will be built without "clear decision," funding by govt. [JP 12/19].

Arab World: Al-Qabas (Kuwait) reports US State Dept. official Murphy met with Palestinian "close to the PLO" during recent trip to Amman; urged "mutual recognition" between PLO, Israel as precondition for US recognitionf PLO [JP 12/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb defused opposite Israeli police HQ, E. Jerusalem [FJ 12/21].

Arab World: IDF arrests 21 villagers from Sarafand, 'Ain al-Hilweh, S. Lebanon. SLA position in Killa, S. Lebanon fired upon [JP 12/19].


Other Countries: Zionist organizations host seminar at US State Dept., condemn 1975 UN Zionism-racism resolution [JTA 12/12].

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanon Radio reports IDF fires on Ansar camp detainees; several wounded [FJ 12/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy arrives to discuss Lebanon, other issues [JP 12/9].

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with Italian PM Craxi in Tunis [JP 12/10]; later travels to Algeria for meeting with Pres. Bendjedid [AMJ 12/28].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF vehicle attacked near Qasmiya, S. Lebanon; all occupants reported injured [FJ 12/14].


Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police defuse bomb in Netanya [LAT 12/4].

Arab World: IDF sends armored patrol north of Awali River after Druze-Christian fighting, despite pledge of non-interference there [LAT 12/5]. 3 IDF soldiers wounded by mine near Madosha, S. Lebanon. Grenade thrown at 2 SLA vehicles in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gush Emunim squatters establish settlements Nachliel and Givat Helevona (a.k.a. Eli) north of Ramallah. Jewish squatters add 4 caravans to settlement at Tel Rumaida in al-Khalil (Hebron). In exchange for Progressive List for Peace (PLP) votes to support Shlomo Hillel as Knesset speaker, Labor agrees on 3 issues: to legislate against apartheid practices toward Palestinians, to approve proposed change in Umm al-Fahm's status to full township, and to consider favorably establishment of an Arab university in Israel. Canadian and British delegates meet with Palestinian mayors and community leaders in Jerusalem on eve of Int'l. Liberals Congress in Tel Aviv (9/13-16).

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat returns to Tunis, meets Soviet delegation there. Nabih Berri & Walid Junblatt boycott weekly Lebanese cabinet meeting to press gov't. to discuss political reforms and conditions in S. Lebanon.

Other Countries: In US, representatives of 11 relief and community service organizations meet State Dept. officials to protest Israeli policy toward Palestinian universities.

Military Action

Arab World: Beirut Radio reports 4 IDF troops killed in 2 S. Lebanon bomb attacks; IDF soldier injured by land mine in S. Lebanon (9/10) dies of injuries.