6 / 15500 Results
  • February 1, 1995

    FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to...

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  • January 27, 1995

    Arafat arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak; his mtgs. with King Hussein, peace process, relations with Egypt. (JTV, MENA 1/27 in FBIS 1/27)

    PA disarms 60 Palestinian policemen...

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  • January 23, 1995

    PM Rabin gives television address on bombings. (MM 1/23; ITV 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; MM, WT 1/24; MEI 2/3)

    Clinton sends personal letter to PM Rabin condemning 1/22 bombings, saying he was "...

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  • January 14, 1995

    In 2d day of mtgs., FM Peres presses Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem to step up investigation of Jewish center bombing 7/94, welcomes his attempts to mediate btwn. Syria, Israel. (WT 1/15, NYT 1/17...

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  • January 11, 1995

    Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional...

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  • January 4, 1995

    IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/...

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FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to abide by DOP has caused recent violence; says Egypt will pressure Israel to state a date for troop withdrawal fr. West Bank in emergency summit 2/1. (MENA 2/1 in FBIS 2/2; MM, NYT 2/2)

U.S. State Department releases annual human rights report on Israel and the o.t.; criticizes PA for 11/18 violence; Israel for abusing detainees, treatment of Israeli Arabs. Israelis say report is balanced. (MM 2/2; WJW 2/9)

UN Human Rights Comm. (UNHRC) monitor in Israel, Rene Felber, quits his position; suggests position be eliminated since Israel does not act on his reports, he believes condemning Israel for abuses does not help peace talks. UNHRC expresses shock. (WT 2/4)

Israel, PA reach final agmt. on Gaza port, announce construction will begin within 1 mo. (ITV 2/1 in FBIS 2/6)

Jerusalem Planning and Construction Comm. approves construction of 6,500 houses for new neighborhood in southern Jerusalem. 2,000 dunums of Palestinian land will be confiscated for the project. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)

1000's of Israelis gather in Tel Aviv to protest continuation of peace process. MKs fr. Likud, Tsomet, Moledet, Yi'ud, Shas participate. (MM 2/2)

IDF raids Hamas charities in West Bank, confiscates files, says charities are funneling money for military operations. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)

Arafat arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak; his mtgs. with King Hussein, peace process, relations with Egypt. (JTV, MENA 1/27 in FBIS 1/27)

PA disarms 60 Palestinian policemen belonging to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, gives them administrative duties. (QY 1/27 in FBIS 1/27)

1,000 IDF soldiers raid College of Science and Technology at Abu Dis, West Bank, arrest 30 Palestinians for suspected membership in Hamas, Islamic Jihad. Damage estimated at $33,000. (QY 1/27 in FBIS 1/27; WP, WT 1/28; MEI 2/3; JP 2/11)

Shin Bet requests greater leeway in fighting terrorism, incl. right to enter any West Bank area without permission, control of electricity and water, reestablishing network of informers, rejection of joint patrols with PA. (JP 1/27 in FBIS 1/30) 

U.S. State Dept. Historian releases documents on Middle East, incl. memo on 1/1961 closed-door mtg. of Near East subcommittee mbrs., discussing Israel's Dimona plant, atomic projects. Memo shows senators agreed that "it would be unfair to publicly brand Israel as a villain," doing so would encourage Arab states to take actions against Israel. (WT 1/28)

PM Rabin gives television address on bombings. (MM 1/23; ITV 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; MM, WT 1/24; MEI 2/3)

Clinton sends personal letter to PM Rabin condemning 1/22 bombings, saying he was "personally sickened" by Palestinians that supported it. (IDF Radio 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; NYT 1/25)

Jordan, Palestinians agree on draft accord to settle difference over Jerusalem before Arafat's visit to Amman 1/25. Palestinians will recognize Jordanian custody of Muslim holy cites; Jordan will support Palestinian sovereignty over Jerusalem. Also agree on postal services, telecommunications, financial issues. (JTV, RJ 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; VOP 1/23, AFP, RJ 1/24, JT, RJ 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; WT 1/25; RJ 1/24, JT 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

FM Peres says Israel will outlaw Hamas, Islamic Jihad charities, mosques in West Bank; says Israeli needs to "adopt draconian measures," incl. against attackers' families, to prevent further attacks. (IDF Radio 1/23 in FBIS 1/24)

Israeli Amb. David Sultan suggests Egyptian People's Assembly invite Knesset delegation to visit Cairo to ease tensions btwn. Israel, Egypt. Assembly declines. (MENA 1/23 in FBIS 1/23)

Asst. Secy. of State Pelletreau, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak meet, discuss bilateral relations. Mubarak says Egypt will not back down on NPT issue. (MENA 1/23 in FBIS 1/23)

PM Rabin's security advisors extend waiver of restrictions on Shin Bet for combatting terrorism. Health M Efraim Sneh comments "There are no limitations for the security services--[We have given them] a free hand." (WP, WT 1/24)

In 2d day of mtgs., FM Peres presses Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem to step up investigation of Jewish center bombing 7/94, welcomes his attempts to mediate btwn. Syria, Israel. (WT 1/15, NYT 1/17; MEI 1/20) (see 11/23)

American, Arab officials say plans for regional bank are being scaled back to overcome opposition fr. Saudi Arabia, France. Bank expected to have initial capital of only $1.5 b., not expected to give subsidized loans. (NYT 1/14) (see 1/11)

Lebanese FM Buwayz, Peter Martinez, head of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan desk at U.S. State Dept., meet in Beirut; discuss agenda for upcoming U.S.-Lebanon Security Comm. mtg. to cover bilateral relations only. (VOL 1/14 in FBIS 1/17)

YESHA Council reports that through natural growth, new arrivals West Bank settler population has grown 17% since PM Rabin took office. (QY 1/14 in FBIS 1/17; NYT 1/16, 1/20)

Frmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir gives interview on Gulf War; says Israel was in constant communication with Jordan, flew reconnaissance flights over Iraq, was shocked frmr. U.S. pres. George Bush ended war before Saddam Hussein was overthrown. (IDF Radio 1/14 in FBIS 1/17; WP, WT 1/15)

In reaction to ax attack 1/12, settlers fr. Kiryat Arba riot in Hebron's main market, fire rifles in air, destroy Palestinian merchandise. IDF uses tear gas to disperse Palestinians, injuring 10. (MEI 1/20)

Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional bank despite EU, Saudi Arabian opposition at Casablanca conference 11/94. U.S. promises to lobby internationally for support for project. (NYT 1/12; JT 1/14 in FBIS 1/18)

Oman informs Israel it will delay establishment of diplomatic relations, apparently as a result of Alexandria summit 12/29. Israeli Dep. FM Beilin dismisses declaration as insignificant. (QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; MM 1/12; QY 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; MM 2/6)

Arafat meets with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials, asks them to mediate btwn. PLO, Hamas. (AFP 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; Al-Sha`b 1/13 in FBIS 1/24; PR 1/15; Al-Musawwar 1/20 in FBIS 1/24)

UNRWA announces the following donations: $3.3 m. fr. Denmark for training centers in West Bank; $3.8 m. fr. Denmark for Gaza Hospital; $2.3 m. fr. Netherlands, $1.5 m. fr. Kuwait, $50,000 fr. Brazil, $40,000 fr. Portugal, $25,000 fr. Indonesia for UNRWA operations; $700,000 fr. Germany, $685,000 fr. Switzerland for education. (UNRWA News 1/11)

2 IDF soldiers lightly wounded when bomb explodes nr. their patrol at Kissufim crossing, Gaza. (MM 1/11)

Hizballah attacks IDF patrol in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA respond, using planes, tanks, artillery. 4 Hizballah mbrs. killed; 2 IDF, 1 SLA soldiers, 3 civilians wounded. (IDF Radio 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; WP, WT 1/12)

IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WP 1/6)

FM Peres tells Knesset Israel is demanding a 4-yr. interim period btwn. implementation of 1st and 2d stages of withdrawal fr. Golan in talks with Syria . (MM 1/5; JP 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; JP 1/14)

Egypt, Jordan, Israel hold 1st tripartite mtg. on regional security in Elat to discuss prevention of cross-border infiltrations. (Ma'ariv 1/11 in FBIS 1/12)

Israeli Housing Min. Dir. Gen. Arye Mizrahi approves expansion of Ma'ale Adumin settlement toward Jerusalem, increase in number of houses fr. 5,000 to 18,000, movement of IDF roadblock marking Green Line so settlement would fall inside Green Line; says decision does not violate any agmts. because government already considers the settlement part of central Israel. (Yedi'ot Aharanot 1/5 in FBIS 1/5)

Lebanese FM Buwayz says idea for sending Palestinian refugees fr. Lebanon to Gaza, Jericho to serve as policemen has been debated for past 3 mos.; says Interior M Michel al-Murr drafted motion after 11/25 events, inviting PA to recruit policemen fr. camps, agreeing to send recruits with any light armor they possess as way of getting armed Palestinians out of country. (AFP 1/4, RL 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; MM 1/6) (see 12/19)

U.S. State Dept. confirms it is conducting investigation into reports Israel illegally sold China military technology. (WP, WT 1/5; HA 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; CSM 1/6; MEI 1/20) (see 1/3)

Israeli undercover agents kill 4 Palestinian supporters of PFLP in West Bank, nr. Ramallah; 1 agent wounded. Israel says men were wanted in attacks on collaborators. (QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WJW 1/12)