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  • December 9, 1990

    More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

    Citing Defense Dep't. and White House...

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  • September 21, 1990

    White House scales back proposed sale of military hardware to Saudi Arabia; instead of submitting to Congress a single $22 billion package, Bush admin. will seek immediate approval of smaller deal...

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  • June 18, 1990

    P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO...

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  • June 14, 1990

    Israeli officials, including Avi Pazner, senior advisor to Shamir, reject Sec. Baker's 6/13 comments to House Foreign Affairs Committee, saying Baker misinterpreted Shamir's comment about talks,...

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  • June 13, 1990

    Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying...

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More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

Citing Defense Dep't. and White House officials, New York Times reports Pentagon may have to ask Congress for additional $10 billion to $20 billion in spending authority to cover rising costs of Gulf deployment [NYT 12/10].

Sec. Baker says U.S. will not stand in way of talks between Iraq and Kuwait once Iraq complies with UN resolutions, leaving the 2 countries to negotiate anything, including fate of Bubiyan and Warba islands [MEM 12/10].

Jordan's King Hussein proposes Gulf peace plan that calls for compromise, talks among Arabs, and linking Palestine question to Gulf crisis [LAT, WP 12/10].

Former D.M. Yitzhak Rabin says "We must now recognize the fact that coexistence with the Palestinian population of the territories in one political framework has no chance," as New York Times reports that many Israelis are beginning to believe that only solution to Palestine question is permanent separation [NYT 12/10].

U.S. soldier in Saudi Arabia is killed when tractor-trailer truck overturns; he is 52d casualty of Operation Desert Shield [LAT 12/10].

Israeli soldier is killed, 2 are wounded when bombs explode outside military headquarters in Bethlehem; Palestinian is shot dead in Gaza after allegedly attacking soldier; Palestinians celebrate beginning of 4th year of intifada, despite being under curfew for 3d consecutive day [JDS 12/9 in FBIS 12/10, 12/19; LAT, WT, WP, MEM 12/10; CSM 12/11; BVP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; JPI 12/15; MET 12/18].

Annual report issued by 'Uvda, the settlers' information center in Hebron, argues that number of incidents in o.t., such as stone throwing and placing barricades on roads, almost doubled in 3d year of intifada, rising from 39,411 incidents in 1989 to 71,754 in 1990 [HAA 12/10 in FBIS 12/13].

In Stockholm, retired lawyer Felicia Langer receives "Right Livelihood Award" for defending Palestinians in Israeli courts for more than 20 years [MEM 12/10]

White House scales back proposed sale of military hardware to Saudi Arabia; instead of submitting to Congress a single $22 billion package, Bush admin. will seek immediate approval of smaller deal including only those weapons immediately needed by Saudis [WT 9/21; LAT, NYT, WP 9/22].

Warning to prepare for "the mother of all battles," Iraq expels 3 U.S. diplomats and military attaches of 11 Western European nations. U.S. responds by expelling 3 diplomats from Iraqi embassy, including the military attache [WT 9/21; NYT, LAT, WP 9/22; MET 10/2].

PLO leadership holds emergency meeting, chaired by Yasir Arafat, in Tunis to discuss violence in Gaza Strip as sporadic clashes between Palestinians and IDF troops continue [ADS 9/21 in FBIS 9/24]. 

P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO dialogue [WP, NYT, LAT 6/19; JTS 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater says Pres. Bush has written "lengthy" letter sent to Shamir over past few days offering congratulations on new gov't. and discussing U.S.-Israeli relations [WP, WT 6/19; MEM 6/22 (details of letter in MEM 7/27)].

Tel Aviv court charges Israeli Ami Popper, 21, with the 5/20 murders of 7 Palestinians. Five-man psychiatric panel rejects notion that Popper is "derranged," as Israeli authorities had first claimed [IDF 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; LAT 6/ 19].

Cairo declines Shamir's 6/15 call for Israeli-Egyptian summit, saying Egypt expects "concrete actions towards peace and establishment of dialogue in Cairo with Palestinians and not mere messages conveying good intentions" [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

In letter to Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog released today, Theo Klein, former head (1983-89) of France's 700,000-strong Jewish community, says Israel should meet PLO [MEM 6/19].

Israeli officials, including Avi Pazner, senior advisor to Shamir, reject Sec. Baker's 6/13 comments to House Foreign Affairs Committee, saying Baker misinterpreted Shamir's comment about talks, and that Shamir has not imposed new conditions on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations [WP, NYT, WT, LAT 6/15]; White House backs Baker's statements saying admin. is beginning to question seriousness of parties in the conflict [LAT, WT 6/15].

IDF frees from jail army lieutenant who threw tear gas grenade in UN maternity clinic on 6/12, saying his 10-day sentence was suspended by his commander after he appealed for leniency [WP, WT 6/15; MET 6/26].

Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying Israel will not negotiate with any Palestinian who opposes limited autonomy for O.T.; new gov't.'s guidelines also stipulate no role for E. Jerusalem Palestinians in any part of peace process [MEM 6/ 13; WP, NYT, LAT 6/14; LAT 6/16].

New Israeli police minister Roni Milo says Sec. James Baker's formula for talks is "no longer relevant" to his gov't. [NYT 6/14]; while F.M. David Levy says Baker plan had "distorted" the Israeli peace initiative it was to implement; calls for U.S. to "get back to basics" with Israel. Agriculture minister Rafael Eitan calls for deportation of Palestinian intifada leaders [WP 6/14].

Speaking before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker expresses impatience at peace process and especially with Israel, implying that if positive moves are not forthcoming quickly, U.S. will disengage from Middle East peace process: "When you're serious about peace, call us," he says, giving out White House telephone number [NYT, WT, WP, LAT, MEM 6/14; MET 6/19].

Shamir, responding to Arab requests, authorizes UN fact-finding mission to O.T.; move prompts harsh rebuke from far right-wing supporters of Shamir's gov't. [JDS 6/13 in FBIS 6/13; NYT 6/ 14].

Immigration min. Yitzhak Peretz says that 50,000 Jews, over 90% from USSR, have immigrated to Israel in 1990; nearly 200 have settled in O.T. [MET 6/ 26].

New D.M. Moshe Arens spends day visiting 2 largest Jewish settlements in W.Bank; says he is making a statement about his priorities [NYT 6/14; MET 6/ 26].

Israeli army jails for 10 days soldier who threw tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza. 66 infants were treated for gas inhalation in 6/12 incident [WT 6/14; MET 6/26].

Beirut radio reports of skirmish in S.Lebanon between Israeli and SLA troops and Shiite militias; no injuries [BVL 6/13 in FBIS 6/13].