742 / 15493 Results
  • January 26, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elections to the Engineering Association in Gaza are held, Hamas wins 5 of 9 seats, pro-PLO bloc wins 3. [FBIS 2/1].

    Arab World:...

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  • January 23, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: During his tour of the capital's Neve Ya'aqov neighborhood, Shamir reiterates 1/14 statement saying "we need a big and strong people in...

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  • January 22, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli Attorney General Yosef Harish opens criminal investigation of Science Minister Ezer Weizman, accused of meeting a PLO official...

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  • January 9, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports team of Israeli foreign ministry experts has begun formulating detailed plan for elections in O.T. in...

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  • December 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Television Service reports Knesset members Abd al-Wahab Darawshah and Muhammad Mi'ari about 2 weeks ago visited Tunis and met...

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  • December 21, 1989


    Other Countries: American Joseph Gruss, billionaire investment banker, has established private $20 million fund to provide housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants to...

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  • December 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Rabin says his ministry authorized and paid for meetings between relatives of Israeli soldiers captured during invasion of Lebanon...

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  • December 9, 1989


    Arab World: In Amman, Husayn and Mubarak meet to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. In Cairo, PLO statement says PLO "is not obliged to accept any results of...

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  • December 2, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Beginning at 4 am, hundreds of Israeli soldiers and Shin Bet agents raid Palestinian homes in Nablus, arrest "scores" of youths. In Gaza, IDF...

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  • December 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet head tells reporters that during the intifada's 2 years, more than 500 "terrorist squads" have been uncovered, and over 170...

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  • November 27, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Leaflet distributed in Nablus area by Fateh renews call for Palestinians "to stop the killing of those who have gone astray and use all...

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  • November 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 200 women stage procession in Nablus to mark anniversary of Algiers declaration of Palestinian state. They disperse when IDF fires...

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  • November 23, 1989


    Arab World: PLO officials meet with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau, discuss Baker plan [MET 12/5].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/...

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  • November 21, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF shoots, wounds Rafah youth said to be writing nationalist slogans [FBIS 11/28].

    Masked Palestinians stab, wound Nablus man accused of...

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  • November 20, 1989


    Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].

    Other Countries...

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  • November 19, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

    Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of...

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  • November 11, 1989


    Arab World: Dissident senior leaders of the Fateh Revolutionary Council claim the organization has been "ripped by a murderous internal power struggle" that has...

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  • November 10, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz poll finds 52 percent of Israelis "are prepared to consider the deportation of Palestinians if a way is not found to...

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  • November 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to...

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  • November 7, 1989


    Other Countries: UN Security Council resolution calling on Israel to "lift its siege" in O.T. is vetoed by U.S. The 14 other members of the Security Council voted...

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  • November 3, 1989


    Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meets in Cairo for first time in twelve years [FBIS 11/6].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli...

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  • October 28, 1989


    Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].


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  • October 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli...

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  • October 22, 1989


    Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to...

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  • October 21, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police officer and soldier wounded by rocks. 18- year-old Palestinian killed by IDF gunfire in Nablus [FBIS 10/25].

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  • October 12, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's...

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  • October 9, 1989


    Other Countries: Agency for Intemational Development is ordered to withdraw $1.5 million grant to Sha'alvim Teachers College in Israel [WP 10/10].


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  • October 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank is closed until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/ 11].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 soldiers are...

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  • October 7, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gazans are denied entry into Israel until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/11].

    Arab World: Red Cross suspends operations in Sidon...

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  • October 6, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Elections to the Engineering Association in Gaza are held, Hamas wins 5 of 9 seats, pro-PLO bloc wins 3. [FBIS 2/1].

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Cairo for third meeting this month with Pres. Mubarak [FBIS 1/29; MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tax collectors seize 150 automobiles in al-Zawiyeh village, near Nablus, in attempt to force Palestinian owners to pay taxes [FJ 2/5].

Al-Fajr reports that Jewish settlers set fire to a Burin village mosque [FJ 2/5].

At least 6 Palestinians in O.T. are shot, injured in clashes with IDF [FJ 2/5].

Arab World: Israeli patrol in S. Lebanon is ambushed, DFLP claims responsibility, says its fighters killed 6 Israelis; Israel says no one was injured, and that the attackers fled when fired upon [MET 2/6; FBIS 1/ 26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: During his tour of the capital's Neve Ya'aqov neighborhood, Shamir reiterates 1/14 statement saying "we need a big and strong people in a big and strong land" [FBIS 1/24].

Campaigning before 2/7 Likud party meeting, at which Israel's future government may be decided, Ariel Sharon says Shamir's elections proposal "would in fact bring about a Palestinian state, bloodshed, and war" [NYT 1/24].

Shimon Peres arrives in Cairo at Mubarak's invitation to begin talks on stalled peace process. [WP 1/25].

In Algiers, Arafat meets with ministers of the Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon to discuss need for concentrating Arab activity on settling the crisis there [FBIS 1/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes Hebron-area schools Tareq Ibn Ziad and Ibn Rushd for stone-throwing incidents [FJ 1/ 29].

24-year-old Nablus youth is shot, killed fleeing IDF troops who had searched his home [MET 2/6]; 15 Palestinians are wounded in confrontation that follows shooting [FJ 1/29].

Palestinian accused of collaboration is found dead in W. Bank village of Arrabeh, near Jenin [MET 2/6].

Shots are fired at IDF patrol along the Jordanian border near Hazeva [FBIS 1/ 24].

At least 30 Gaza residents injured by IDF gunfire or tear gas in clashes [FBIS 1/ 24]. 


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli Attorney General Yosef Harish opens criminal investigation of Science Minister Ezer Weizman, accused of meeting a PLO official last year [NYT, FBIS 1/23].

UNLU issues intifada Call number 51 [FBIS 1/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police release Faisal Husayni on bond. Husayni says his arrest "wasn't for any violations of the law, but it was a political move" [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 1/23].

IDF seals home in Baytunia. All schools in Jalazun camp remained closed for 9th consecutive day [FJ 1/29].

At least 16 Palestinians are wounded in Gaza confrontations with IDF [FJ 1/29].

Masked Nablus youths set fire to an Israeli bus, no injuries [FBIS 1/23; FJ 1/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports team of Israeli foreign ministry experts has begun formulating detailed plan for elections in O.T. in anticipation of possible Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Moshe Arens tells Yedi'ot Aharonot "the elections in the territories will be conducted because we will conduct them with or withouthe U.S. initiative" [FBIS 1/9].

The Jerusalem Post names N. David Gross managing editor and Matt Nesvisky magazine editor to begin replacing about 30 senior editors and reporters who resigned in dispute with publisher [NYT 1/ 10; MET 1/23].

Arab World: PFLP-GC leader Ahmed jabril denies that his organization was involved in 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 [NYT 1/10].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo, meets with F.M. Abd al-Majid [FBIS 1/10].

Other Countries: U.S. sharply cuts its funding to UN Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO) in response to FAO's 11/ 29 resolution. U.S. will pay only $18 million of its $61.4 million obligation, just enough to keep its voting status [NYT 1/ 10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinians from Nablus are wounded by IDF gunfire; 3 others in Tulkarm are wounded in separate incident [FBIS 1/10].

Michael Ben Horin, leader of State of Judea, an extreme right-wing Jewish settlers group, is arrested on charges of arson [MET 1/23].

Arab World: Israeli forces shell Lebanese villages of Lusi, al-Sultan Y'aqub, and Kamid al-Lawz, 2 people are wounded [FBIS 1/9, 1/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Television Service reports Knesset members Abd al-Wahab Darawshah and Muhammad Mi'ari about 2 weeks ago visited Tunis and met with Arafat and other PLO leaders. The meeting was kept secret [FBIS 12/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army accidentally shoots, wounds 2 1 2-year-old Palestinian youths during clash between masked Palestinians and soldiers [WP 12/ 30].

Israeli army demolishes 3 houses in Bayt Furik near Nablus, and 2 others in Hebron area; Far'oun village near Tulkarm, and Bayt Sahur are declared closed military zones [FJ 1/8].


Other Countries: American Joseph Gruss, billionaire investment banker, has established private $20 million fund to provide housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel [NYT 12/22].

Yugoslavia agrees to Ibrahim Asad's appointment as ambassador of Palestine to Yugoslavia [FBIS 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it will begin punishing parents of children who throw stones. Children under 12 cannot be jailed under Israeli law, so parents will have furniture confiscated and rooms of their houses sealed [FBIS 12/21; NYT, WP 12/22].

2 Palestinians from Bayt Furik near Nablus are killed, another is hospitalized in clash with IDF. Army places Bayt Furik under curfew [FBIS 12/22].

In Hebron, Israeli motorist is injured by thrown rocks hitting his car. In al-Bireh, 35-year-old Palestinian accused of collaboration is stabbed, wounded. In Gaza at least 23 Palestinians are wounded in clashed with IDF forces, 16 of them in Rafah [FBIS 12/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Rabin says his ministry authorized and paid for meetings between relatives of Israeli soldiers captured during invasion of Lebanon and representatives of PLO. Meeting supposedly took place a year ago [NYT, LAT 12/19].

French P.M. Michel Rocard meets with 13 Palestinians from O.T. and E. Jerusalem to discuss the peace process [FBIS 12/15].

Other Countries: NBC Nightly News reports Israel has purchased $36 million of Iranian oil to encourage Iran to help free 3 Israeli hostages in Lebanon. Israeli Ministry of Energy disavows knowledge of transaction [WP 12/19, NYT 12/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus woman accused of collaboration and prostitution is beaten to death [MET 12/26].

In three separate trials, Israeli military courts in Gaza, Nablus, and Lydda, sentence 4 Palestinians to life in prison for killing accused collaborators [FJ 12/25].

Israeli authorities demolish 2 houses in Jerusalem-area villages of Hizma and al-Ram [FJ 12/25].

Arab World: 3 people die in clash between SLA and Lebanese commandos in Israel's "security zone" [FBIS 12/19; MET 12/26].


Arab World: In Amman, Husayn and Mubarak meet to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. In Cairo, PLO statement says PLO "is not obliged to accept any results of any meetings" if it is "not present or represented" [NYT 12/10].

New round of talks between PLO and U.S. begins in Tunis [FBIS 12/11].

Jordanian police clash with Palestinian protestors for the second day. Police use tear gas to quell disturbances. PLO reports it is not involved with demonstrations in Jordan [FBIS 12/11].

Other Countries: On behalf of Carter-Meniu Human Rights Foundation, ex. Pres. Jimmy Carter awards annual human rights prize to Al-Haq of Ramallah and newly-formed Israeli organization B'Tselem. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on O.T. to stop celebration of intifada anniversary. 2 Palestinians are shot, killed in W. Bank village of Bani Naim [NYT 12/10].

26-year-old Nablus Palestinian is sentenced to life in prison for killing an alleged collaborator [FJ 12/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Beginning at 4 am, hundreds of Israeli soldiers and Shin Bet agents raid Palestinian homes in Nablus, arrest "scores" of youths. In Gaza, IDF troops shoot, wound at least 36 Palestinians. In both incidents, Israeli soldiers are reportedly dressed as Arabs, driving vehicles with O.T. license plates [NYT, WP 12/3; FBIS 12/7; JP 12/9; MET 12/12].

Members of Israeli group Yesh Gval demonstrate to show solidarity with Palestinian residents of Bayt Sahur, attempto distribute leaflets, but are restrained by IDF troops [FJ 12/18].

Arab World: 3 killed and 9 wounded in artillery exchange between SLA and Amal forces in S. Lebanon [WP 12/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet head tells reporters that during the intifada's 2 years, more than 500 "terrorist squads" have been uncovered, and over 170 Fateh squads exposed since Arafat renounced terrorism [FBIS 12/5].

Arab World: PLO delivers to Cairo and U.S. Ambassador Pelletreau memorandum conditionally accepting Baker's 5- point formula [FBIS 12/4; WP 12/7].

Arab Countries: agree to postpone until 12/3 UN vote recognizing Palestinian state [NYT 12/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF forces ambush members of Palestinian "Black Panther" group in Nablus, kill the group's leader and 3 others; 3 more are wounded. IDF imposes curfew on Nablus [FBIS 12/ 7; MET 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Leaflet distributed in Nablus area by Fateh renews call for Palestinians "to stop the killing of those who have gone astray and use all methods to restore them to the national line" [FJ 12/4].

Other Countries: UN Arab League delegation is considering placing before Gen. Assembly resolution to change nameplate of PLO observer's seat to read State of Palestine. U.S. warns it will stop UN funding if resolution is passed [NYT, WP 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Authorities close agricultural school in Bayt Hanoun because of stone throwing [FJ 12/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 200 women stage procession in Nablus to mark anniversary of Algiers declaration of Palestinian state. They disperse when IDF fires tear gas [FBIS 11/29].

Arab World: Lebanese President Elias Hrawi declares cabinet of Christian leader Gen Michel Aoun as dissolved and names a new coalition government [WP 11/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Army declares Ramallah and al-Bireh closed military zones. Army converts Ramallah school into military post [FJ 12/4].

IDF troops sweep Tulkarm area, arrest 72 Palestinians, mostly youths. 64 are wanted by security forces, 8 are detained for fleeing soldiers [FBIS 11/29; JP 12/2].

3 Palestinians from Nablus are wounded in clashes with soldiers; one 17- year-old is shot in eye by plastic bullet [FBIS 11/29].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force shells PFLPGC positions in Shtaura, Lebanon [NYT 11/26].


Arab World: PLO officials meet with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau, discuss Baker plan [MET 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian woman accused of collaborating with Israel is killed in Nablus [MET 12/5].

Military seals house of Gazan who was arrested for participation in Hamas [FJ 12/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF shoots, wounds Rafah youth said to be writing nationalist slogans [FBIS 11/28].

Masked Palestinians stab, wound Nablus man accused of informing on the "Red Eagle" group, whose leader was killed earlier this month in IDF raid [FBIS 11/28].

In village of 'Anin, near Jenin, 2 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire. Relatives say shots came not from IDF but from settlers [FBIS 11/28].

At least 9 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. in clashes with IDF [FBIS 11/28].


Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].

Other Countries: USSR has encouraged Syria to abandon quest for military parity with Israel, saying Soviet "new realities" stress "reasonable defensive sufficiency" for Syria [WP 11/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military prohibits Gaza Islamic University's board of trustees from traveling to Kuwait for university conference [FJ 11/27].

Israeli Minister of Police Haim Bar Lev says Civil Administration ispreparing to issue magnetic ID cards to W. Bank Palestinians [FJ 11/27].

Petrol bomb thrown at Israeli fuel truck in Nablus, misses truck but causes minor damage. Soldiers shoot, injure 13- year-old girl. Palestinians report 19-year-old is hospitalized from beating injures when soldiers chased suspects [FBIS 11/ 28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of IDF activity to combat intifada since it began totals about IS1 billion [FBIS 11/20].

Other Countries: Amnesty International criticizes intifada leaders for endorsing killing of collaborators [MET 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF in Tulkarm and Nablus [FBIS 11/28].


Arab World: Dissident senior leaders of the Fateh Revolutionary Council claim the organization has been "ripped by a murderous internal power struggle" that has taken the lives of more than 150 members [NYT 11/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Masked Palestinian in Tubas, and another in Nablus, are wounded by IDF gunfire; Rafah resident accused of collaboration is killed; Burayj camp is placed under curfew [FBIS 11/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz poll finds 52 percent of Israelis "are prepared to consider the deportation of Palestinians if a way is not found to make peace," compared to 38 percent who supported transfer 6 months ago [FBIS 11/14].

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meeting in Tunis issues five additional points for Washington toclarify regarding Israeli-Palestinian negotiations [FBIS 11/ 13].

Other Countries: Japanese officials appeal to visiting F.M. Arens to open talks with the PLO; Arens rejects appeal [WP 11/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: A settler from Tulkarm area is stabbed, wounded; 13 Palestinians in Gaza are wounded in clashes with soldiers; army imposes curfew on Nablus and surrounding villages [FBIS 11/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to change the electoral system to end the "nearly permanent political deadlock," which many say preventshe peace process from moving forward [NYT 11/9].

Arab World: Women are allowed to cast ballots for the first time in Jordan's general election, the first election in that country in 22 years [NYT, WP 11/9].

Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of State Baker tells reporters that the U.S. had rejected Israeli imposed conditions on Baker's 5- point framework for peace talks even before the Israeli cabinet formally adopted the Israeli-modified plan earlier this week [WP 11/9]. U.S.-PLO dialogue continues in Tunis [FBIS 11/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 10 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T.; IDF confiscates 15 automobiles belonging to Palestinians in Nablus; Rafah man suspected of collaboration is killed; Palestinian is shot, killed, 15 are arrested for membership in PFLP [FBIS 11/16].

Arab World: A car bomb explodes in West Beirut killing 4, injuring 16, in a neighborhood a few blocks from the villa where President Moawad is staying [NYT, WP 11/9].


Other Countries: UN Security Council resolution calling on Israel to "lift its siege" in O.T. is vetoed by U.S. The 14 other members of the Security Council voted for the resolution [NYT 11/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army reports it has arrested Hamas members from Gaza Strip in connection with killing an Israeli soldier and kidnapping another [WP 11/8]. Israeli police commander recommends that six Israeli Arab police officers be tried for fatally shooting an 18-year-old W. Bank Palestinian at close range two weeks ago, then reporting that he was shot when he ran a roadblock [NYT 11/8]. 13-year-old Qalqiliyyah resident is shot, killed, 29 others are wounded, and 10 are detained in clash with border police; curfew is imposed on Qalqiliyyah; 28-year-old Palestinian in Nablus accused of collaboration is killed, another is wounded [FBIS 11/9].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force planes bomb Hizballah bases in South Lebanon; a Katyusha rocket is launched from Lebanon into the "security zone," no one is injured [FBIS 11/7].


Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meets in Cairo for first time in twelve years [FBIS 11/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli naval patrol arrests 3 Palestinians aboard a ship bound for Sidon [MET 11/14]. Palestinian woman, 35, is killed for collaborating with Israeli officials [FBIS 11/7; MET 11/14]. Security forces seal three houses in Gaza. In Nablus 17-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed in clash with soldiers. At least 5 Palestinians are wounded throughout the O.T. [FBIS 11/7].


Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in Nablus kill 54-year-old suspected collaborator [MET 11/7]. General strike in Tulkarm. 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded by IDF forces in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 10/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli officials claim having letter that shows PLO is hiring local Palestinians for assassinations and "terrorist actions" [NYT 10/ 24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike in Nablus and Tulkarm; 1 Palestinian is shot, killed, another is wounded by IDF gunfire. 2 Israeli cars are torched in E. Jerusalem [FBIS 10/25]


Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak the Baker plan [MET 10/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army detains 15 Palestinians; 16-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed in Tulkarm clash. 7 Palestinians in 'Askar camp wounded in clash. At least 5 other Palestinians wounded throughout O.T. IDF seals 2 Nablus schools and closes UNRWA school in Dahayshah camp [FBIS 10/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police officer and soldier wounded by rocks. 18- year-old Palestinian killed by IDF gunfire in Nablus [FBIS 10/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's Consul-General in O.T. Ivan Callan calls for investigation into reports that Israeli troops shot dead an Arab youth who had surrendered to security forces [MET 10/ 24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Nablus is lifted, soldiers shoot, kill 1 Palestinian, wound another in stone-throwing clash there; body of suspected collaborator is found in Nablus. 4 Palestinians are shot, killed; at least 4 are wounded, and 20 are arrested throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/13]. Army seals 2 Gaza houses [FBIS 10/17]. Arab World: Israeli troopshoot, kill DFLP guerrilla inside South Lebanon's "security zone" [MET 10/24].


Other Countries: Agency for Intemational Development is ordered to withdraw $1.5 million grant to Sha'alvim Teachers College in Israel [WP 10/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill 2 Palestinians in Nablus, critically wound 5-year-old girl. 75-year-old Palestinian dies of tear gas asphyxiation when soldiers use to break up demonstration. 2 Palestinians suspected of collaboration are killed. At least 25 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/11]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: W. Bank is closed until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/ 11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 soldiers are wounded when their jeep is hit by Molotov cocktail in Nablus; another soldier is wounded by rock in Rafah. 2 Palestinians are shot, killed in clashes with troops. 5 Israeli cars are set on fire in E. Jerusalem [FBIS 10/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gazans are denied entry into Israel until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/11].

Arab World: Red Cross suspends operations in Sidon, Lebanon, after 2 relief workers were kidnapped on 10/6 [NYT, WP 10/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF soldier is injured by rock in jenin. 5 Palestinians in Burayj camp are wounded in demonstration. Tuqan School in Nablus is closed for 1 week [FBIS 10/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats proposal [FBIS 10/6; NYT, WP 10/7; LAT 10/8].

Other Countries: General Assembly votes on an Arab proposal condemning Israel for human rights violations in the O.T.; 140 in favor, 2 (U.S., Israel) against [NYT 10/7; LAT 10/8]. 39 members of the U.S. House of Reps. send letter to Baker urging him to reject visa for Arafat [Oct. MEPARC].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army prevents multi-national European investigative group from entering Bayt Sahur [FBIS 10/10]; places Bayt Sahur under curfew. Army closes 18 Nablus schools, imposes curfews on 7 W. Bank refugee camps, declares Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah closed military zones. IDF forceshoot, kill Palestinian in clash in Battir village [FBIS 10/11].